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05-25-2007, 07:16 PM
i know this is really random but I have heard smoking pot can cause an anxiety disorder to develop, is it the same thing with alcohol?

05-25-2007, 07:49 PM
I'm not sure about physically or directly causing it, but they can definitely be a contributing factor. You may do something under the influence of one of these drugs like get into a car crash or be arrested, etc. that may lead to having anxiety. There may also be an underlying problem that is exaggerated when you are under the influence, but that's varying from person to person.

Only thing that is guaranteed is that if you'd like to keep a healthy mind, doing drugs or alcohol is not the best way to achieve that.

05-29-2007, 01:09 AM
i know this is really random but I have heard smoking pot can cause an anxiety disorder to develop, is it the same thing with alcohol?

At first alcohol helped me a lot. When I was drunk I was anxiety-free.

Now when I drink alcohol is simply adds to my derealization. The drunker I get the faker everything and everyone seems. Fake as in everything seeming as if its part of a movie or something along those lines.

Also the day after drinking is a day filled with major anxiety, and it takes days to overcome and get the anxiety back down to its "normal" level.

05-30-2007, 12:14 PM
First alcohol helped me too. It did my highschool much easier and a lot of fun.
Now it also helps, but only while I'm drunk, then it just makes the anxiety 2-3 times much horrible.
Also, my first generalized anxiety episode was after 3 days of heavy alcohol.