View Full Version : New to the forum and seeking help. SA.

01-16-2013, 03:42 PM
Hi guys, I'm new to this forum. I thought it'd be nice to chat with people who I can relate to.
I've been always a shy kind of guy. My personality is rather weird. My mood tends to swing
between extremely extroverted to introvert for no reason. My family and I migrated to
this country 7 years ago where I'm now living and studying. I'm part of a pretty prestigious uni
here in the UK now.
Learning the english language is still a major problem for me as the lack of a good of it
seems to have increased my SA considerably but I've also noticed that I'm equally anxious when
speaking my mother tongue. I remember I wasn't so shy and anxious when I came
to this country. SA has increased so much that I now just want to avoid people and lock myself in my room.
I've got many friends at the uni where I study and I live with 5 guys in this house we rented this year.
I don't know what to do anymore as I've been using alcohol as an escape for my anxiety. I've never
told this to anyone. I think I'm becoming dependent on alcohol to carry on with my Social life without
feeling anxious,awkward and inadequate. My SA is getting so bad to the point of me being shy to do lectures presentations or simply
calling anyone other than my parents.
Sometimes I feel like my SA is driving me into a depression and making me to waste my time. I've already ( for many times) had suicidal thoughts.
I went to my family doctor and he recommended me 10mg of lexapro daily. Is this a good medication?
what advices do you guys can give me to ease the SA ? Thanks guys.

01-16-2013, 05:01 PM
I'd try the lexapro for sure and then check with student health svcs to see if they have any counseling(might be covered by tuition). I hope it helps you use less alcohol. Try to back off on that for sure. Alankay