View Full Version : Sigh

01-16-2013, 02:21 PM
Well imma vent here a little bit....I go to my doctor that is suppost to deliever my baby have a panic attack before I walk in there finally go in there and I'm sitting waiting and waiting trying to hold it together an hour fking later she comes in there and I'm paniking she tells me she doesn't know anything about panic and anxiety she can't help me she asks me what I'm gonna do when I go into labor and my world came crashing down I lost all my hope right there :( what am I gonna do? If she can't fking help me who can no psychitrist will see me cus I'm pregnant I feel like giving up :(

01-16-2013, 02:35 PM
This be ur first baby?x

01-16-2013, 02:46 PM
Well imma vent here a little bit....I go to my doctor that is suppost to deliever my baby have a panic attack before I walk in there finally go in there and I'm sitting waiting and waiting trying to hold it together an hour fking later she comes in there and I'm paniking she tells me she doesn't know anything about panic and anxiety she can't help me she asks me what I'm gonna do when I go into labor and my world came crashing down I lost all my hope right there :( what am I gonna do? If she can't fking help me who can no psychitrist will see me cus I'm pregnant I feel like giving up :(

I have the same hun don't worry once ur I. Labor u won't panic or hv anxiety cause I didn't n I have it really bad

01-16-2013, 03:36 PM
Well imma vent here a little bit....I go to my doctor that is suppost to deliever my baby have a panic attack before I walk in there finally go in there and I'm sitting waiting and waiting trying to hold it together an hour fking later she comes in there and I'm paniking she tells me she doesn't know anything about panic and anxiety she can't help me she asks me what I'm gonna do when I go into labor and my world came crashing down I lost all my hope right there :( what am I gonna do? If she can't fking help me who can no psychitrist will see me cus I'm pregnant I feel like giving up :(

Uh.....what is UP with that doctor???? Not very supportive!!!! I went through something similar when I was pregnant with my first child....I waa so mad that I switched doctors. I was just in my first trimester, so I could still do that. Did you have the panic attack because you are scared of labor and delivery?
Ok, I am going to give you the real deal. I am a HUGE baby when it comes to needles or any kind pain. I actually had nightmares as my due date approached about having the baby. Well,when contractions started, it was uncomfortable and it felt like bad cramps, but it certainly wasn't killing me. I stayed home all day until 11:30 that night, until the contractions got closer together. I had my son and then another baby a few years later. Trust me, if it was THAT terrible, all of us would be only children. LOL. You can do this, don't worry....you will be fine.

01-16-2013, 04:20 PM
I feel like I haven't slept in days and panic about all these weird feelings and thoughts I don't know what to do :((( maybe I should be in a mental hospital

01-16-2013, 04:22 PM
Its not about labor I don't think I feel as if I'm going crazy :( I panic about everything! Litterally the way I feel ect my thoughts everything I don't know what to do :( I don't feel like myself at all

01-16-2013, 04:39 PM
Have you been officially diagnosed? Sounds like you have GAD. You are describing exactly how I felt before I starting doing CBT and taking meds. I know that meds are out of the question right now, but have you ever thought about therapy?

01-16-2013, 04:40 PM
I feel like I haven't slept in days and panic about all these weird feelings and thoughts I don't know what to do :((( maybe I should be in a mental hospital

What specifically are you worrying about? Start to write it down.

01-16-2013, 05:29 PM
I litterally worry about everything going crazy passing out my mind races and panic I don't know how to get control of my mind :( how to calm it :( I tried to see a counsler but had panic as soon as I walked into the door :/

01-16-2013, 05:30 PM
Ill start to think I'm not me and panic I feel crazy I don't want to feel like this anymore :(

01-16-2013, 10:16 PM
I had the worst anxiety when i was pregnant with my daughter ! It was horrible , so i know how you feel . But when the time came for labor my anxiety seriously went out the window because i was in so much pain ! I hope you are ok and feeling better , and i hope your delivery goes well :) also i had bad insomnia the last month of my pregnancy and i took benadryl to calm me down and fall asleep , it won't hurt your baby , it helped me a lot

01-17-2013, 11:35 AM
Wow benadryl ill have to try that its like I never get tired

01-17-2013, 03:14 PM
But you might want to ask your doctor just to be on the safe side :)