View Full Version : Nervouse Breakdown Broke Me..

01-16-2013, 10:22 AM
I suffered from my breakdown last january and since then I've gone through mild agoraphobia, servere anxierty, panic attacks, depression, shaking as if I was cold but not, loss of appetite and serious insomnia.
Some things have improved but my mood swings are crazy, I'm 38 and the past year been living back with my mom, I'm all over the pretty much everyday and feel like a stranger in my own body..
Anyway I'm here to maybe help or be helped, Im new here but I keep trying new things to help with my struggle x

01-16-2013, 01:00 PM
Welcome!!! This forum is great....I've found a lot of great people here who go through similar anxiety issues.
So, what have you found worked for you in terms of getting over your breakdown?

01-16-2013, 01:11 PM
Main thing has been being with family, but everything else Ive tried works for a few days then doesnt but this could be my ADHD or bipolar issues...
Tried audio books, group theropy, days out, excercise, trying to talk but still a struggle!!
I feel safe at my mums so sometimes seem ok but if they go out or I get invited somewhere I get really hot, start to shake sometimes even cry, even popping a few diazipam only just helps but thats short term ...
Thanks for welcome and message.

01-16-2013, 03:42 PM
Yes, I understand about feeling uncomfortable when invited out....I kind of obsess over going out new places or to certain functions....I have to plan everything out beforehand and sometimes I will take 1/2 a xanax if I'm feeling especially anxious.
Well, I always say, take baby steps. We didn't get where we are overnight, so we can't expect miracles overnight either!!!