View Full Version : Been reading a while but first post.

01-15-2013, 06:13 AM
Hi everyone. I feel like I know you all because of how much I've been reading for the past couple of months, but I've only just plucked up the courage to write my own post.
I don't actually know what to say!
I'm from England, married with two sons, aged thirteen and seven.
I've had GAD for the past four years, which is further complicated by the fact that I have a HUGE phobia of anything medical, like doctors, hospitals, dentists... I would love to be able to get myself checked out and to be told that I am physically healthy (if not mentally! Ha) but the thought of entering my doctors surgery is enough to make me spiral into a blind panic.
Obviously this isn't my whole story, but I will be kind and ease you all in to the chaos that is my mind!
Hope you're all doing well and looking forward to speaking to you and getting some advice and tips on how to beat the crap out of my panic! Xxx

01-15-2013, 07:45 AM
Hey and welcome!

Thanks for sharing some of your story - I'm sure that many people here relate to your phobia of medial scenarios. I don't especially share it - I'm always anxious when I go to the doctor, but loosen up when I get there.

The dentist on the other hand!! I have been putting off having my wisdom teeth and I have also not been to the dentist in 7 years (and it was 7 years before that since I last went, so I'm definitely due!!). I can't imagine anything worse than having really bad anxiety or a panic attack whilst someone has their hands in my mouth (potentially holding a drill!)

I hope you find the support and guidance you need here. If you want to overcome the anxiety, you have to face it head on - which is so much harder to do than it sounds! When I see my doctor or psychiatrist, I try to get the first appointment of the day. It means that the rooms are quiet or empty and that they won't be running late - leading to a build up of nerves. And then it is over and done with too!

01-15-2013, 08:36 AM
I have actually been to the dentist since my anxiety began and I can tell you, it was no fun!
I was honest with the dentist, who was a lovely lady and she was so patient and understanding about my disorder, but I was still freaking out the whole time! I just can't seem to calm myself in those situations!
My worst problem at the moment is travelling too far away from home, and by too far I mean outside of my town! It's so bad that I need someone to be with me even when I go shopping, and I won't enter the playground at my sons school to pick him up because there's too many people there and I feel like I will faint.
I want to be able to go on holiday with my two children and husband but I'm petrified of travelling long distances in the car and an aeroplane is out of the question at the moment. I can think of nothing worse than being trapped in a cabin for several hours!
Fun, hey?! X