View Full Version : Anxiety medication creating anxiety in itself!

01-14-2013, 05:45 PM
I am on xanax .25 and paxil for my anxiety.
With all of the laws surrounding xanax, it makes me have even more anxiety.
My doctor prescribes it to me as needed, but the pharmacy does a horrible job of keeping up with it.
The pharmacy tells me that I have a prescription, but then says they have to "call the doctor". When this happens, it can often be days before I get the medicine, and it causes more anxiety.
Everytime I get xanax, the pharmacy checks my ID and all, makes me feel like a drug dealer or something, and I have to like get lectured by the lady.
Anyone else had this problem with xanax?

02-04-2013, 07:26 PM
Why do they have to call the doctor? I've been on many different meds (Valium, Klonopin) and I do have to show ID, but that's it.

02-06-2013, 01:23 PM
Go to another pharmacy. They have no business asking you any questions as they just make sure you're not taking anything else that might cause problems with another med(s). They are there for you to ask questions also. The choice of meds is between you and your doctor. They can make sure you're not refilling too often but that's about it. Tell them to ask your doctor if they have questions. He's the gatekeeper of your meds and that's as it should be. As for something else ask about ativan but all benzos are FDA schedule 4 so in the same class legally. Alankay