View Full Version : help and advice

bryan kellogg
01-13-2013, 08:29 PM
I am going to College it has been 28 years since I was in high school and I'm a little bit nervous about going I know I want to better myself I think maybe I just don't know what to expect i think this is why I am having anxiety tonight if any of you are returning school after along time can you tall me what you think I think I am afraid of failing and wondering if I may not be able to handle it

01-13-2013, 08:33 PM
I am going to College it has been 28 years since I was in high school and I'm a little bit nervous about going I know I want to better myself I think maybe I just don't know what to expect i think this is why I am having anxiety tonight if any of you are returning school after along time can you tall me what you think I think I am afraid of failing and wondering if I may not be able to handle it

You will do fine! I was 32 when I went back and now I am so thankful I did. I have a great job as a dental hygienist. And believe me, you will see people older than you there. I had a bunch of young ones in my pre reck classes but I did not care. I was not the oldest in hygiene school. Don't let that stop you. I questioned myself too. Can I do this. But when you really want something you can do anything and I wanted this so bad and made straight A's and B'a through out my hygiene school.

bryan kellogg
01-17-2013, 12:10 AM
to day is the day 3 In school now I am having a hard time sleeping before I started school my sleep was better i think it is stress

01-17-2013, 04:06 PM
It's true that it gets harder to learn things when you get older, but people returning school are generally more disciplined and they are aware of the importance of going to classes, so there is the an upside. Also if you are doing advanced study on something you've done, your lecturer is going to enjoy reading your essays on integrating theories in real life situations. or if you are having a career change you know you are motivated for a better job that gets more pay anyway. win-win.

01-17-2013, 04:13 PM
I think it's great you decided to go back to school. Good luck and hang in there! It's very much worth it!