View Full Version : Feeling after a painc attack?

01-13-2013, 02:28 PM
Do y'all feel weird after a panic attack? I had one earlier and now I feel really detached like brain dead :(

01-13-2013, 02:31 PM
After i have one i feel like i just wanna go asleep x

01-13-2013, 02:45 PM
Yeah I feel really sleepy & achy after an attack. I just want to be alone in my room afterwards & watch something funny on tv.
Takes a while & then I feel nervous about it happening again. Or I feel ashamed that I couldn't stop it from happening.

What are your coping techniques?

01-13-2013, 02:47 PM
Whenever I panic I have to write to snap out of it I keep a journal lol I call it my crazy journal other then that a lot of self talk finally it will pass :/

01-13-2013, 02:51 PM
Do you just write what you're feeling at that point? Or write random things?
It's good that you do have a distraction though. Do they happen often?

01-13-2013, 03:00 PM
Do you just write what you're feeling at that point? Or write random things?
It's good that you do have a distraction though. Do they happen often?

They eased up alott I still get them like 1 every other day :/ I write what I'm scared of and its not likely to happen or I just write about breathing and that I been through this before ect it really helps I started doing it not to long ago since I'm pregnant can't really take meds so I need somemore coping techniques lol

01-13-2013, 04:06 PM
It seems like a good way. I've heard that journalling can be therapeutic for anxiety. Have you tried any herbal remedies to help?
Awh, when are you due?

01-13-2013, 04:59 PM
I hit the sack.

01-13-2013, 05:20 PM
Yep I feel really foggy like I can't concentrate on anything because all I'm thinking about is how I'm feeling. Sometimes I feel drunk or something.
I also feel exhausted!!

01-13-2013, 05:22 PM
They eased up alott I still get them like 1 every other day :/ I write what I'm scared of and its not likely to happen or I just write about breathing and that I been through this before ect it really helps I started doing it not to long ago since I'm pregnant can't really take meds so I need somemore coping techniques lol

Did u get attacks before you were pregnant? Mine started after a miscarriage last year then I had another one 6 months later and I'm trying to get pregnant again but scared my anxiety and panic attacks caused my miscarriage. How do u cope with them whilst pregnant??

01-13-2013, 05:33 PM
It seems like a good way. I've heard that journalling can be therapeutic for anxiety. Have you tried any herbal remedies to help?
Awh, when are you due?

No I haven't tried any herbal remedies I live in a very small town and I haven't been driving because of the panic so its really difficult for me to get to a store with that kind of stuff I'm due febuary 9th :)

01-13-2013, 05:36 PM
No I haven't tried any herbal remedies I live in a very small town and I haven't been driving because of the panic so its really difficult for me to get to a store with that kind of stuff I'm due febuary 9th :)

Maybe you could order online. I ordered a custom Bachs remedy from the Internet. It's from America, so it'll take a while to reach me in the UK, but I'm hoping it might help.
Oh wow that's so close! Do you know if you're having a boy or a girl? :)

01-13-2013, 05:48 PM
Did u get attacks before you were pregnant? Mine started after a miscarriage last year then I had another one 6 months later and I'm trying to get pregnant again but scared my anxiety and panic attacks caused my miscarriage. How do u cope with them whilst pregnant??

Yyes I got panic attacks before I was pregnant but it was just every once in awhile I had a miscarriage before I got pregnant with this one and my anxiety was bad after the miss but it got better didn't develop anxiety with this until I was 6 months pregnant but now its so bad I can't leave the house without panic :/ it sucks I'm still trying to cope with them lol its been a rough road but5 I'm still here

01-13-2013, 05:50 PM
Maybe you could order online. I ordered a custom Bachs remedy from the Internet. It's from America, so it'll take a while to reach me in the UK, but I'm hoping it might help.
Oh wow that's so close! Do you know if you're having a boy or a girl? :)

Yes ill have to look them up online :) ill try anything at this point its a little boy! And at the moment he's got his leg trying to poke out of my side hurts so bad lol

01-13-2013, 06:22 PM
I used the Feel Bach website. I think it's $14 for each bottle.
Have you been tested for any deficiencies? I'm going to get checked for B12 next time I'm at my doctors I think

01-13-2013, 06:54 PM
I used the Feel Bach website. I think it's $14 for each bottle.
Have you been tested for any deficiencies? I'm going to get checked for B12 next time I'm at my doctors I think

No I haven't I don't think ill have to ask my doctor go in tuesday

01-13-2013, 07:03 PM
It might be worth it. I've seen a few things on here about B12 deficiency being a cause of anxiety & it's common in vegetarians (which I've been for 12 years).
At the very least, if there's something else that you're deficient in then having supplements to sort that may help.

01-13-2013, 07:20 PM
Well I take my prenatal vitimans everyday wonder if it might not be enough

01-13-2013, 07:48 PM
It's a possibility. Have your doctor test for B12 & vitamin D. I'm going to ask for the same when I go back next week.
Worth a shot anyway :)

01-13-2013, 08:58 PM
Yes I am b12 and D deficient. I do shots every 2 week now. I still have some anxiety but they say it could take months and month to maybe get back to normal. Your doctor can test you.

01-14-2013, 06:40 AM
I tiers but can't sleep worry about it happening again and to sore to sleep my whole body aches after ward

01-14-2013, 08:20 AM
I hit the sack.

What, even if you're at work? lol

01-14-2013, 12:33 PM
Ugh again today :( this sucks!