View Full Version : Was this my first attack?

01-11-2013, 12:15 PM
Hi, bit of history. Been diagnosed with Post Tramatic Stress and GAD following my husband having to have emergency heart operation. Have had some stress, worry about health mainly and was waiting for some results of extensive eye exam. Was quite uptight about it as they hadnt rung. Anyway had all the kids in car and had this weird feeling, not heart racing but like a lump in throat and like I was short of breath. For the first time ever I thought Im going to have to drive to the hospital and was in a bit of a panic. Then the phone goes and it was the results which were all fine and the feeling disappeared and I havent had it since. Last year my doctor gave me Citalopram but I have been too scared to take it. I am wondering as I am under some stress, house on market, moving countries that I should bite the bullet and take it. I am very very scared about this feeling I had. Havent discussed anything with husband either. Help please.

01-11-2013, 04:35 PM
Hey there, and welcome. It sounds like you are under a tremendous amount of stress. If there is anything you can do to make things easier on yourself, then I say do it. And the sooner the better, as it will take some time to see results. Good luck in all your endeavors.