View Full Version : Need some advice

01-11-2013, 06:30 AM
Long story short, I had 13 years of great success with Effexor xr. The last 4 of the 13 I was at 300mg a day. Then one day, which I will never forget, it just stopped working. Anxiety and panic attacks started again.
I went on the med go round trying to find something else.
My last Effexor dose was in July of 2011. So just over a year and a half. My current regiment is the following.
40mg of nortriptyline
1 mg klonopin
30 mg remeron
300 mg neurontin

The nortriptyline and neurontin were instituted to try and control my daily chronic headache I've had for 6 months. Everyday all day varying in intensity. My guess and the numerous docs I've spoke with say its stress and anxiety related. I show no other neurological symptoms of it being something serious. I work, go to the gym 4 days a week, eat healthy, get plenty of sleep etc.

So much for the short story, bottom line is, should I try Effexor again? What are the chances it will work? I would hate to go through wd again. My guess, and my psychiatrist confirms its a 50/50 gamble.
Has anyone else had the same decision to make? Did it work again for u when u tried again?
Thx in advance.