View Full Version : Oh great!!

01-08-2013, 02:00 PM
I just saw someone say they stick to the natural remedies for anxiety because of how bad their friend got addicted to it.. I really didn't need to hear that especially with how scared I am of meds! .25 mg 2 times a day?? Will I become addicted!?!?

01-08-2013, 02:05 PM
U will be fine. Doctors will not just stop your meds they have to ween u off them lowering the dose each time when and if your ready

01-08-2013, 02:07 PM
So he has me on it for only 10 days??? Then what? I suffer? Or I start few in? Neither sounds good :(

01-08-2013, 02:53 PM
I have been on clonopan or should I say have had them for 11 yrs now. But I never would even go get my prescriptions filled because I always had some from what I never took. I cut mine up in 4's and take 1/4 at nigh and not every night. Then if I am just really bad I will take a 1/4 in the morning. But I rarely have to even take it that much because I will not get used to taking something like that everyday for the rest of my life. There are days I am anxious but a good bath or occupying my mind doing something else other that sitting around gets me through. My doctor does not mind giving them to me because I hardly take the ones I have and take such a small dose that I can't get addicted. If you just take it when absolutely necessary you will be fine. I started out cutting mine so if I need more that day it would not be a whole tablet or 2. So my body has adjusted to the 1/4 and it calms me down. I have not had any in 4 days now just because my anxiety has not been that strong. Not saying its not there but I can manage. So when I do need one the 1/4 it works great. See my point. You can take this stuff but when you don't need it don't take it. And most people have to have a addicted personality to get hook. We all seem to be so scared of getting hooked that we are more cautious. :)