View Full Version : How can u tell?

01-08-2013, 09:54 AM
Since we suffer from anxiety and panic, how in the world can we tell if something is really wrong with us or if its just our anxiety?! This has always bothered me when I start to feel weird or different

01-08-2013, 10:16 AM
It's a tricky one...

There's no hard and fast rules I'm affraid.

You need a diagnosis in the first instance. This will rule out most of the confusion.

The rest comes with experience / vigilence and the odd re-visit to the doctors, just to make sure.

01-08-2013, 11:26 AM
To me I just ask myself if at the core of the way I feeling, is fear, apprehension, worry, etc,. If so I chalk it up to anxiety. If you are physically ill, you will know it. IMHO. We have have bad days colds, flu's, etc, but whenever I had something more, I knew because if was different kind of sick. I didn't feel so much nervous/worried/fearful at first but really sick. After a while, you catch on I think. Alankay

01-08-2013, 05:56 PM
Since we suffer from anxiety and panic, how in the world can we tell if something is really wrong with us or if its just our anxiety?! This has always bothered me when I start to feel weird or different

What has helped me a lot is the opinions of people that I trust. I can ask my wife 24/7 if I'm freaking out or if I'm really sick, and she will always give me an honest answer. She knows me well enough to know when I'm tripping, and when I'm sick. I trust that if she tells me I'm overreacting, I need to take a Klonopin and a bubble bath, not a trip to the ER. I have been to the ER before for IBS, and she can look at me and know when to call the ambulance. The catch is that you have to trust the persons opinion and do the agreed-upon action, whether that's to take a walk, or a pill. It does you no good to mistrust your friends opinion.

01-08-2013, 06:37 PM
What has helped me a lot is the opinions of people that I trust. I can ask my wife 24/7 if I'm freaking out or if I'm really sick, and she will always give me an honest answer. She knows me well enough to know when I'm tripping, and when I'm sick. I trust that if she tells me I'm overreacting, I need to take a Klonopin and a bubble bath, not a trip to the ER. I have been to the ER before for IBS, and she can look at me and know when to call the ambulance. The catch is that you have to trust the persons opinion and do the agreed-upon action, whether that's to take a walk, or a pill. It does you no good to mistrust your friends opinion.

Yes, that's how I feel about my husband. He will tell me straight up when he thinks my issue is anxiety related or not. He is in a healthcare profession as well, so I really feel comfortable with his opinion..