View Full Version : Anxiety and Vitamin D deficiency

01-06-2013, 10:06 PM
Hi I am new to this site as well a many others! I was so excited to find it and to e able to talk to others dealing with the same issues. I was recently diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency. Has anyone else that's dealing with the anxiety issues has this rx?? If so what ui of vit d did they start you on and did it seem to help any??

01-07-2013, 07:01 AM
Yep i am too. Im on 800 UI. I Personally think they help me a lot. Just think that not enough vitamin d in your body will make u feel weak anyway and that dont help anxiety etc. Wat ones hav they put u on?

01-07-2013, 08:23 AM
They have me on 50000ui once a week but I am too nervous about taking it. Apparently it was pretty low. Ik I responded this in the other thread but thought I would put it here too in case someone was interested due to topic.

01-08-2013, 03:22 AM

Due to Vitamin D3 deficiency, I had anxiety, depression, and panic disorder for a long long time. After taking care of the problem, I was cured, 100%. You can read my story/thread at the below link:


Best wishes,

01-08-2013, 06:53 AM
Thanks Ali! I like to read other people's experience with the vitamin D deficiency and that doseage. I have always been Leary of medications. Then when I posted on fb about it one lady freaked me out. So I just been kinda putting it off. Did it help a lot with the anxiety??

01-08-2013, 08:13 AM
Hi browneyes:

First of all, I would like to congratulate you on your choice of a doctor. It seems that your doctor is up to date,
and knows that vitamin D3 deficiency= psychological problems, and a great number of ailments that eventually
causes a miserable life.
To answer your above question, vitamin D3 just did not help, it eliminated my anxiety, depression, and panic disorder
very fast. If you read the above link, which is my thread, you will know the details of my progress, and how you should go about
taking care of your deficiency under a physician's care.

50,000 IU may sound a lot, but it is just 1.25 mgs of vitamin D3. If you read my thread, you will know that my doctor prescribed
300,000 IU monthly injections, for several months. In the U.S., doctors prefer prescribing 50,000 IU weekly pills for several weeks,
or just 7,000 IU to 10,000 IU daily pills for a specified period of time, which is perfectly all right.

As far as side effects, or bad feelings are concerned, there are non with taking vitamin D3. Drinking a glass of Coke may have some adverse feelings in a depressed, or anxious person, but a 50,000 IU pill of vitamin D3 will have no bad effect. Do not delay following your doctor's instructions, and start taking the pills.

Best regards,

01-08-2013, 09:35 AM
Thank you!!! That helped a lot. I am going to look at your thread now!! :)

01-08-2013, 12:08 PM

Due to Vitamin D3 deficiency, I had anxiety, depression, and panic disorder for a long long time. After taking care of the problem, I was cured, 100%. You can read my story/thread at the below link:


Best wishes,

When taking D3 do you have to take calcium or anything else with it for absorption? Or can you take D3 by itself?

01-08-2013, 12:35 PM

One can take vitamin D3 by itself. As a matter of fact, when vitamin D level is normalized in your body,
calcium starts to be absorbed by your organs. When the level of vitamin D3 is low in your body, calcium is not absorbed

However, when you take vitamin D3, you should take either magnesium supplements, or alternatively, magnesium rich foodstuff.
In simple words, vitamin D and magnesium go together, and one without the other is not complete.

Best wishes,

01-08-2013, 01:35 PM

One can take vitamin D3 by itself. As a matter of fact, when vitamin D level is normalized in your body,
calcium starts to be absorbed by your organs. When the level of vitamin D3 is low in your body, calcium is not absorbed

However, when you take vitamin D3, you should take either magnesium supplements, or alternatively, magnesium rich foodstuff.
In simple words, vitamin D and magnesium go together, and one without the other is not complete.

Best wishes,

My D3 was low and I took prescription d for it. Now he says its fine but he thinks my B12 of 250 is fine too when my neurologist says to keep taking b12 shots the rest of my life. I have skipped heart beats everyday and wonder if my d is just not where it needs to be. How much D3 and mag should I take?

01-08-2013, 07:52 PM
Hey I went to the doctor and they wanted to check me for vitamin D deficiency but I guess I was fine. I still feel like maybe I should take it daily "jic" and read in above forums that magnesium is helpful with it? What foods are rich in magnesium?

01-08-2013, 09:47 PM
Hi Sandy:

As far as vitamin D3 is concerned, when one is low on this vitamin, he/she must have vitamin D3 blood test, at least twice a year to be able to establish a lasting maitenance dose. Obviously, your D3 level has dropped. Now you should give a blood test, and try to raise it to around 70 ng/ml, and also try to keep this level by taking more tests, and adjusting the dosage accordingly. Then you will find out how much your maintenance dose will be. Anyway, once a year a d3 blood test is necessary. If you just stop taking D3 supplements for 2-3 months, your level will go back to where it originally was ! Unless, you spend long times in strong sunshine, semi naked, which may not be advised for many people to do so.

I have maintained my vitamin D3 level at 90 ng/ml for the past six months. A I take a B12 shot once a month, and it is one of the most important vitamins. Do take the shots.

A good reading about vitamin D3 in general, and the dosage of supplements, is at Dr. S. Zaidi's book Power of Vitamin D. I highly recommend to everyone reading this book.

Best regards,

01-08-2013, 11:05 PM
Hi Tritter:

It should not be a guesswork. Did your doctor order a vitamin D3 test for you? If so, you should know your level ?
You should adjust the intake of your vitamin D3 supplements to the result of the test !

If I remember correctly, one needs about 350 mgs of magnesium daily. I personally take a 200 mg magnesium carbonate tablet per day. Magnesium as a supplement that may give some people upset stomach, or sometimes depression. If you experience anything out of the ordinary with supplements, replenish your magnesium level by eating certain foods. For example, if you eat 30 almonds per day it would suffice. But it has about 300 calories that you may not want. In contrast, if you take one ounce of wheat bran a day, it will give you the same amount of magnesium, and almost no calories. I am sure you can find a reliable magnesium table of contents for food at the search engines.

Good luck,

01-09-2013, 12:45 AM
I do notice a difference with my anxiety after taking vitamin d I'm gonna try magnesium today

01-09-2013, 12:51 AM
I do notice a difference with vitamin d for my anxiety level it helps out a lot

01-09-2013, 07:14 AM
Hi Sandy:

As far as vitamin D3 is concerned, when one is low on this vitamin, he/she must have vitamin D3 blood test, at least twice a year to be able to establish a lasting maitenance dose. Obviously, your D3 level has dropped. Now you should give a blood test, and try to raise it to around 70 ng/ml, and also try to keep this level by taking more tests, and adjusting the dosage accordingly. Then you will find out how much your maintenance dose will be. Anyway, once a year a d3 blood test is necessary. If you just stop taking D3 supplements for 2-3 months, your level will go back to where it originally was ! Unless, you spend long times in strong sunshine, semi naked, which may not be advised for many people to do so.

I have maintained my vitamin D3 level at 90 ng/ml for the past six months. A I take a B12 shot once a month, and it is one of the most important vitamins. Do take the shots.

A good reading about vitamin D3 in general, and the dosage of supplements, is at Dr. S. Zaidi's book Power of Vitamin D. I highly recommend to everyone reading this book.

Best regards,

See that's what I was thinking. After I took the prescription D and tests were done it was fine but he did not tell me to take any D supplements. He said I was fine. But if I was low before then I figured it would drop again. I still had heart palps while on the presc D. I take B12 shots twice a month and a folic tab at night too. A B12 reading of 200 is border line and that is was I had and he felt it was ok but said I could do the shots if I wanted. But my neurologist who found I was deficient in B12 said I had to do the shots twice a month for the rest of my life. So I kinda feel my regular doctor is just not in tune with the vit decencies.

01-09-2013, 07:47 AM
Hello Sandy:

As a fresh start, I strongly recommend that you find an up to date doctor, or an endocrinologist (glands specialist), and ask him/her to check your vitamin d3 blood level. in accordance to the results of the test, the doctor should prescribe the vitamin. When the test level is raised to 70 ng/ml, ask him to put you on a maitenance dose of vitamin D3. In other words, by having a maintenance dose of vitamin D3, your test level will remain a 70 ng/ml, which is ample. Do not settle for a borderline 30 ng/ml, because this figure is antiquated, and Vitamin D Council recommends at least 50 ng/ml for general public. Of course the maximum allowable is 100 ng/ml that you do not want to go above that.

Vitamin B12 is a water soulible substance, and the excess amount will get out of your body, automatically. I take a 1000 mcg injection per month. But if I am supposed to take more, I will not mind it at all.

Did you read my thread/story at the below link ?


Best regards,

01-09-2013, 08:10 AM
Yes I did read that:) thanks. The maintenance dose is that over the counter D3 or prescription? And don't you need to take another vit with that for absorbition? Is it mag? Or calcium? It's all confusing to me. I know with my b12 I have to take folic because they work side by side.

01-09-2013, 10:44 AM
Hi Sandy:

For maitenance dose you always can find vitamin D3 at stores. The prescription is usually for 50,000 IU.
The maintenance dose is usually between 1000 IU to 3000 IU daily, which your doctor will tell you.

If you are low on vitamin D3, calcium is not absorbed no matter how much you take. When you improve your vitamin D3
calcium begins to get in your system, and ultimately your bones. You need to take 3 glasses of milk, or alternatively two glasses
yogurt, daily. Daily calcium supplements of 500 mgs are recommended when dairy is not available. New studies show that calcium supplements may be harmful to your health in the long run. Vitamin D3 absorbtion does not need any supplements to go with it.
In order to become very well informed about vitamin D3, please read the book that I recommended earlier. All your questions will be answered !

You should take about 200 mgs of magnesium supplements daily, if it agrees with your overall system.
Otherwise, magnesium rich food, which have already been mentioned at this thread. Please avoid taking magnesium oxide, because it is absorbed very little, and the side effects are more than the other kinds. Take some other kind of magnesium supplement.

Best wishes,

01-09-2013, 12:42 PM
Oh I can drink some milk. I love milk. That's why I was so surprised that I was low on D.:) all I can find at a few stores for the mag is a bottle that says magnesium. It does not say oxide or any other on it. Just magnesium. Maybe I need to find a health food store around here or something.

01-09-2013, 01:14 PM

I repeat the the relationship between D and calcium once more. In the presence of vitamin D calcium is absorbed.
Without the presence of ample amount of D in the body, calcium is not absorbed by the body.

If you look carefully all around the bottle, the type of magnesium must be written somewhere.

Best regards,

01-10-2013, 04:21 PM
Hi Sandy:

For maitenance dose you always can find vitamin D3 at stores. The prescription is usually for 50,000 IU.
The maintenance dose is usually between 1000 IU to 3000 IU daily, which your doctor will tell you.

If you are low on vitamin D3, calcium is not absorbed no matter how much you take. When you improve your vitamin D3
calcium begins to get in your system, and ultimately your bones. You need to take 3 glasses of milk, or alternatively two glasses
yogurt, daily. Daily calcium supplements of 500 mgs are recommended when dairy is not available. New studies show that calcium supplements may be harmful to your health in the long run. Vitamin D3 absorbtion does not need any supplements to go with it.
In order to become very well informed about vitamin D3, please read the book that I recommended earlier. All your questions will be answered !

You should take about 200 mgs of magnesium supplements daily, if it agrees with your overall system.
Otherwise, magnesium rich food, which have already been mentioned at this thread. Please avoid taking magnesium oxide, because it is absorbed very little, and the side effects are more than the other kinds. Take some other kind of magnesium supplement.

Best wishes,

So I got some vit D3, 2000 today and mag but I got the wrong mag. I found on the back in the ingredient it say oxide. So I did not open it and will take it back. Is there a certain mag I should get? Name?

01-10-2013, 04:23 PM
This was the only mag bottle they had.

01-11-2013, 01:49 AM

I take 200 mgs of Magnesium carbonate daily, but I have
heard that chelated magnesium is better.


01-17-2013, 05:15 AM
This post on Vitamin D is really interesting. I’m currently in treatment for a second relapse of an anxiety disorder. I had some blood work done yesterday as part of a normal physical and my doctor reported that I was low on Vitamin D and prescribed 5,000 IU per day. I was already taking 1,000 a day, but apparently that wasn’t enough. I took 3,000 this morning. I’m interested to see if this helps.

01-18-2013, 06:57 AM
This post on Vitamin D is really interesting. I’m currently in treatment for a second relapse of an anxiety disorder. I had some blood work done yesterday as part of a normal physical and my doctor reported that I was low on Vitamin D and prescribed 5,000 IU per day. I was already taking 1,000 a day, but apparently that wasn’t enough. I took 3,000 this morning. I’m interested to see if this helps.

Let us know. We are all low on D and dealing with anxiety. I am low on B 12 also and that causes it too.

01-19-2013, 06:27 AM
I certainly will. I took 4,000 IU yesterday and 5,000 IU today. Like most people with anxiety I'm worried about what I put in my body and how it will make me feel, so I didn't start out at 5K right away. I also have been trying to get out in daylight every day. Working inside in the middle of winter makes this difficult. It's dark when I get in and dark when I leave. Even if it doesn’t do anything from an anxiety standpoint, it’s not good to be deficient in vitamin D, or B12 for that matter.

01-19-2013, 07:58 AM
So if your low in D and do the weekly prescription and re tested and your D is fine do you still need supplements? I have read that if you are not deficient in D and take extra D as a supplement that you can acclimate to much D and it can become toxic in your system.

01-19-2013, 08:02 AM
That is true but ur body should have so much D a day to maintain it and 1k-2k is the normal regimen for that.

01-20-2013, 09:43 AM
Hello to all:

Many people are confused about various terminologies in relation to Vitamin D.
Below, I shall write the reference values to convert various systems in the world regarding the blood level, and doses of vitamin D.

Blood level of 25-OH Vitamin D

1ng/ml= 2.5 nmol/L
30ng/ml= 75 nmol/L
100 ng/ml= 250 nmol/L


Vitamin D Dose

40 I.U.= 1 mcg
400 I.U.= 10 mcg
1000 I.U.= 25 mcg
50,000 I.U.= 1250 mcg or 1.25 mg

I.U.= International Unit
mcg= microgram
mg= milligram

The above information has been obtained from Dr. S. Zaidi's book, Power Of Vitamin D

Best wishes,

01-20-2013, 11:32 AM
Well I finally took my first Vitamin D 50000ui capsule. I have prolonged it since Jan 3rd because I have bad anxiety over new medicines. :)

01-20-2013, 12:11 PM
Hello to all:

Many people are confused about various terminologies in relation to Vitamin D.
Below, I shall write the reference values to convert various systems in the world regarding the blood level, and doses of vitamin D.

Blood level of 25-OH Vitamin D

1ng/ml= 2.5 nmol/L
30ng/ml= 75 nmol/L
100 ng/ml= 250 nmol/L


Vitamin D Dose

40 I.U.= 1 mcg
400 I.U.= 10 mcg
1000 I.U.= 25 mcg
50,000 I.U.= 1250 mcg or 1.25 mg

I.U.= International Unit
mcg= microgram
mg= milligram

The above information has been obtained from Dr. S. Zaidi's book, Power Of Vitamin D

Best wishes,

I was told by my pharm not to take a D supplement without taking a mag? What's your thoughts?

01-20-2013, 05:29 PM
Hi Sandy:

Your pharm is wrong. Saying it in simple terms, vitamin D is a magnesium burner in our bodies, and you need to have daily requirements of magnesium. I copy paste my explanations on magnesium from the second page of this thread:

If I remember correctly, one needs about 350 mgs of magnesium daily. I personally take a 200 mg magnesium carbonate tablet per day. Magnesium as a supplement that may give some people upset stomach, or sometimes depression. If you experience anything out of the ordinary with supplements, replenish your magnesium level by eating certain foods. For example, if you eat 30 almonds per day it would suffice. But it has about 300 calories that you may not want. In contrast, if you take one ounce of wheat bran a day, it will give you the same amount of magnesium, and almost no calories. I am sure you can find a reliable magnesium table of contents for food at the search engines.

You also must have calcium with vitamin D. Either have three glasses of milk, or two glasses of yogurt per day. If you are not comfortable with dairy, you may take a 500 mg tablet of calcium daily. However, recently, there have been warnings of taking calcium supplements from some quarters of medical community.

Good luck,

01-20-2013, 08:14 PM
Thanks. Maybe he said that only because D does eat up your mag and I really don't eat very much magnesium. I did by mag citrate and finally took it today and so far I have not had any skipped heart beats in almost 9 hours and I have had them for 7 mths everyday. So maybe I was low on my magnesium. We will see how this mag does and if it helps my heart:)

01-20-2013, 09:26 PM
Thanks. Maybe he said that only because D does eat up your mag and I really don't eat very much magnesium. I did by mag citrate and finally took it today and so far I have not had any skipped heart beats in almost 9 hours and I have had them for 7 mths everyday. So maybe I was low on my magnesium. We will see how this mag does and if it helps my heart:)

I have the skipped beats as well and from what I read potassium and magnesium being low can cause those. I wouldn't recommend taking potassium unless your diagnosed with a deficiency by a dr though because too much can be dangerous.

01-21-2013, 12:30 AM
Hi Browneyes:

Yes, you are right. Taking unsupervised potassium supplements is dangerous. 2-3 bananas a day, or eating one big baked potato daily with the outer skin would be enough for daily needs of potassium.

Best of luck,

01-21-2013, 10:53 AM
Hi Browneyes:

Yes, you are right. Taking unsupervised potassium supplements is dangerous. 2-3 bananas a day, or eating one big baked potato daily with the outer skin would be enough for daily needs of potassium.

Best of luck,

Yea I am not doing potassium supplements. I am doing bananas and orange juice a day:) I cut my 400 mg magnesium citrate up in 4 pieces yesterday and just took 1 piece and just that little bit is making me go to the bathroom to much. Lol. I might need to try to cut that up. It's liking taking 100mg. But I heard to keep taking it and sometimes it calms down after a bit.

01-21-2013, 10:54 AM
I have the skipped beats as well and from what I read potassium and magnesium being low can cause those. I wouldn't recommend taking potassium unless your diagnosed with a deficiency by a dr though because too much can be dangerous.

You really need to try mag citrate. My palps have calmed down so much since yesterday:) I just hope it keeps working!:)

01-21-2013, 07:09 PM
Does that come in any one a days?? I would like to start taking those but I wanted to wait til my vitamin D therapy was over!

01-21-2013, 07:35 PM
Does that come in any one a days?? I would like to start taking those but I wanted to wait til my vitamin D therapy was over!

Most all vit contain magnesium oxide which does not absorb we'll at all. It did nothing for me. You have to get the other mags that have a great absorption. When I researched it they said to take the mag citrate for heart palps. So I went to my local pharm that have very well train people and told her my problem and she said she had the same thing and took the citrate and it stopped hers. So that's what I got just like all the research I did said. And as I am sitting here I have only had 1 palp this morning and then I took the mag. I have never in 7 mths went even a few hours without any. I am loving this feeling of no palps. I could not even remember how it felt not to have any. You can't take to much as it is passed in your urine:) it does help with loose stools for some people but she said if that happens to just take less. I cut mine in 4's and have not had a problem. I won't take anymore than that since it has helped my heart cutting it in 4's:) you can still take it with D. I do. She said it would not affect the D. You can also buy epsim salt that has mag sitrate and put in your bath and relax for 15 mins. They say it will relax muscles and stop palps. I bought some but have not needed to use it yet:) you use it 3 times a week if needed:)

01-21-2013, 09:47 PM
Good to know!! But I'm not sure if mine are actually palps or not! It's like sometimes I get a flutter feeling and it makes me want to cough but its over so fast I can't even check my pulse because just in that short of time it's all normal again. Pvc's is what I think but not 100%. I am going to the cardiologist Wednesday!

01-21-2013, 09:57 PM
Good to know!! But I'm not sure if mine are actually palps or not! It's like sometimes I get a flutter feeling and it makes me want to cough but its over so fast I can't even check my pulse because just in that short of time it's all normal again. Pvc's is what I think but not 100%. I am going to the cardiologist Wednesday!

Mine make me cough too like it takes my breath away

01-21-2013, 09:59 PM
Ya that's how mine do and it's over in a split second. Is urs too?? I wanted an even monitor but in not sure I can catch it in there cause u have to push that button to record and it happens so fast.

01-22-2013, 08:12 AM
Good to know!! But I'm not sure if mine are actually palps or not! It's like sometimes I get a flutter feeling and it makes me want to cough but its over so fast I can't even check my pulse because just in that short of time it's all normal again. Pvc's is what I think but not 100%. I am going to the cardiologist Wednesday!

Flutters are the same as skipped beats and pVC's. if your not having them a lot then that's great. When I only had a few like that years ago I could manage. It's just when mine started last July and was with me everyday and night till I started the mag. I was going crazy I felt.

01-22-2013, 08:13 AM
Mine make me cough too like it takes my breath away

Mine does too. It takes my breath a bit too. And when they were every other beat for hours it was terrible.

01-22-2013, 08:15 AM
Ya that's how mine do and it's over in a split second. Is urs too?? I wanted an even monitor but in not sure I can catch it in there cause u have to push that button to record and it happens so fast.

You have to get. 30 day monitor if your are not everyday. Mine use to be like yours and they were hard to catch. Then one day they started and it was all day every day. Sometime every 30 beats and sometimes every other beat. It has been terrible for me.

01-22-2013, 09:04 AM
Mine is usually only a single beat that skips/flutters. I think only a couple times have I ever had two together. I have even keeping a log of them and I have has three days in the last month that they have effected me.

01-22-2013, 09:06 AM
Ya the even monitor is the 30 day recording. Only a cardio can put u on it tho so my GP gave me a referral so I can get it.

01-22-2013, 11:23 AM
Ya the even monitor is the 30 day recording. Only a cardio can put u on it tho so my GP gave me a referral so I can get it.

That's good that they are only a few a month. There's prob nothing wrong with your heart:) mine were all the time and they said my heart was fine. But it's always best just to get it checked out. Then you will know:)

01-23-2013, 02:07 AM
I have had echo, holster, and stress test done and they all were fine. I just wanna see if it is my heart skipping or if it is my acid reflux because I have read they both can cause that flutter sensation.

01-23-2013, 08:04 AM
I have had echo, holster, and stress test done and they all were fine. I just wanna see if it is my heart skipping or if it is my acid reflux because I have read they both can cause that flutter sensation.

True. How do you find out if you have acid reflux? Is there a test for that? I was wondering the same thing but the doc said since I don't have junk coming back up in my mouth I don't have it????

01-23-2013, 08:09 AM
Yea reflux is when the stomach acid comes back up into your mouth. I had an endoscopy done and I have a hiatal hernia. That's where the stomach slides up. I have had Gerds since I was pregnant with my first child. I cant sleep flat cause it will come back up and choke me in my sleep so I sleep very elevated. I am also on Prilosec which has been awesome and helped a lot!

01-23-2013, 11:15 AM
Yea reflux is when the stomach acid comes back up into your mouth. I had an endoscopy done and I have a hiatal hernia. That's where the stomach slides up. I have had Gerds since I was pregnant with my first child. I cant sleep flat cause it will come back up and choke me in my sleep so I sleep very elevated. I am also on Prilosec which has been awesome and helped a lot!

Oh wow! Well with a hernia that causes skipped beats too I have read. So can reflux. And also be aware that the medicines like Prilosec will deplete your B12 and magnesium over time. So if you start feeling bad have the doc check those levels. Because being low in both those vitamins cause skipped beats and palps too.

01-23-2013, 11:17 AM
Oh wow! Well with a hernia that causes skipped beats too I have read. So can reflux. And also be aware that the medicines like Prilosec will deplete your B12 and magnesium over time. So if you start feeling bad have the doc check those levels. Because being low in both those vitamins cause skipped beats and palps too.

And depleted D too.

01-23-2013, 12:10 PM
Yeah that's what I told my GP was that I wanted my magnesium and potassium checked and I am assuming he done it but said everything came back good except my D. I hope that it is just that and they go away but u know something that kind of dawned on me was when u said Prilosec causes them too. I have only been on Prilosec a couple of years and I believe that's about when they may have started. Maybe! Lol that's something I would have to really think about ... But I know I got put on them in 2010 and I wasn't having the skipped beats in 2009 because I didn't have them while I was working. And I got laid off that year. That's something to think about! I am at the cardio now I will update u when I leave :)

01-23-2013, 12:44 PM
Yeah that's what I told my GP was that I wanted my magnesium and potassium checked and I am assuming he done it but said everything came back good except my D. I hope that it is just that and they go away but u know something that kind of dawned on me was when u said Prilosec causes them too. I have only been on Prilosec a couple of years and I believe that's about when they may have started. Maybe! Lol that's something I would have to really think about ... But I know I got put on them in 2010 and I wasn't having the skipped beats in 2009 because I didn't have them while I was working. And I got laid off that year. That's something to think about! I am at the cardio now I will update u when I leave :)

Actually I had said that Prilosec will cause you to be deficient in vitb12,D,and mag. But it could be possible. So many meds can cause it. Hope cardio goes will. Keep us updated. :)

01-23-2013, 12:47 PM
Ooh sorry I misread what you had written lol

01-23-2013, 05:14 PM
They are putting me in a thirty day heart monitor to see if they can catch it. He thinks its PVC's from caffeine intake. I hope that's all it is!

01-23-2013, 05:43 PM
They are putting me in a thirty day heart monitor to see if they can catch it. He thinks its PVC's from caffeine intake. I hope that's all it is!

Well that's good news:) sometimes even with stoping caffeine like me it did not help. Stress plays a big part even if we don't feel stressed. I'm sure it will all come back fine:)

01-27-2013, 06:31 PM
They are putting me in a thirty day heart monitor to see if they can catch it. He thinks its PVC's from caffeine intake. I hope that's all it is!

How is the heart monitor going?

01-27-2013, 10:50 PM
I am having to wait on it it cause they didn't have any in stock. Should be here tomorrow or Tuesday

01-28-2013, 06:50 AM
I am having to wait on it it cause they didn't have any in stock. Should be here tomorrow or Tuesday

Oh:) I liked mine because I felt safe with it. I had the 30 day and when I felt a palp I pushed the button. It went straight to there center and they read it then. If there was a problem they would call me right then. It was always a good feeling when I had a palp and no phone call. Lol.

02-17-2013, 12:53 AM
Well I haven't been getting my notifications from this site but I didn't forget about Everyone lol. I have been on the heart monitor for 16 days now. I have not had to push the button yet. I am not sure if its this or ironically .... But I started the vitamin D a week before the event monitor was put on. Now I am wondering if the deficiency is what was causing the flutter.

02-19-2013, 06:59 AM
Well I haven't been getting my notifications from this site but I didn't forget about Everyone lol. I have been on the heart monitor for 16 days now. I have not had to push the button yet. I am not sure if its this or ironically .... But I started the vitamin D a week before the event monitor was put on. Now I am wondering if the deficiency is what was causing the flutter.

It's a possibility. It did not help mine but when I started magnesium citrate they went away. I believe I was low in mag. D can cause palps and so can low B12 and low mag.

02-19-2013, 02:24 PM
None of those were low I don't think. Just the vitamin D is the only thing he was concerned about

02-19-2013, 08:29 PM
None of those were low I don't think. Just the vitamin D is the only thing he was concerned about

The mag tests the doctors do are not an in depth test. So most all regular mag tests come back ok. I have looked into it and did a lot of research and it says that you have to have a more in depth mag test which costs more money and the regular doctors don't order them. So I don't know. My heart doc said that being low on mag was a myth but all the research I did said that most people are low on mag and don't even realize it. So I thought I would just try the mag citrate since it is used to help heart attacks and irregular heart beats in hospitals of course in much higher doses. But all I know is I had them for 7 mths everyday all day and night and was having them the day I took it and with in 2 hours of taking it they went away and that was about 4 weeks ago now:) I was to the point I was rwady to try anything. I also take fish oil. That's good for the heart too:)