View Full Version : In the ER right now

01-06-2013, 12:44 PM
I'm waiting to be seen in the ER right now. I have slight chest pain that scared the crap out of me. They already did am EKG, which was normal, and bloodwork. I'm still waiting for the results on that. It's probably going to be hours until I'm seen, and I'm in a room full of sick people, which also is fueling my anxiety. Since the ekg was normal, I know it isn't a heart attack. Not sure what's causing this on and off chest pain though....it only hurts when I press on the area right above my left breast area...or if I cough or move a certain way. I am guessing if it were a true heart event, I would have something noticable showing up on the ekg, my bp would be exremely high and it would BS a severe constant pain....right? Maybe I just pulled a chest wall muscle? Anyone been through this? Help!!!
I decided to come to the er because along with chest pain, I was feeling slightly naseous, very hot and sweaty, etc. I took my xanax and that did nothing......so here I sit in the ER waiting......

01-06-2013, 12:56 PM
Well since your there let them do whatever they want lol if they thought u were in danger they wouldn't wait to see u get a check up and clear ur mind :)

01-06-2013, 12:58 PM
Funny, I have been feeling the same way the last few days. Been tempted myself to go to the ER but haven't because I have gone before and they have basically laughed and threw me meds and told me to relax... I hope u can figure it out. Keep us updated. I know how scary it is. Wishing u best of luck .

01-06-2013, 01:06 PM
I have had the same chest pains all day and it making me sweaty and nauseous. I know it's scary, but you shouldn't have gone to the ER. you're just giving your anxiety reason to fuel on. chest pains and feeling sweaty and sick etc is just common symptoms of anxiety. it IS nothing to worry about. if it was then something would have happened by now. let the feelings happen and tell yourself that it is just anxiety instead of tensing up and worrying because that will only make them worse x

01-06-2013, 01:09 PM
Well since your there let them do whatever they want lol if they thought u were in danger they wouldn't wait to see u get a check up and clear ur mind :)

Thanks guys. I'm still waiting...will probably still be waiting an hour from now. Yes, I'm pretty sure if they saw something serious in either the Ekg or the bloodwork, they would get me in quickly. (I hope...)
I think I will feel better once I have gotten the full checkup...it will definitely ease my mind. I will keep you guys posted, and thank you again.

01-06-2013, 01:14 PM
Thanks guys. I'm still waiting...will probably still be waiting an hour from now. Yes, I'm pretty sure if they saw something serious in either the Ekg or the bloodwork, they would get me in quickly. (I hope...)
I think I will feel better once I have gotten the full checkup...it will definitely ease my mind. I will keep you guys posted, and thank you again.

But how long will it ease your mind for? Until the next time?

01-06-2013, 01:36 PM
Ok just saw the doctor. He said my potassium was low and gave me a potassium suppliment. My cholesterol was high as well. Not alarming, but he said they will want to check further with that. He said the chest pain is more likely chest wall pain, rather than heart attack pain.

01-06-2013, 02:09 PM
Fight or flight day in day out. Adrenline filled blood pumped to chest wall to protect body from damage. That's all it is. Can be dull long lasting pains, sharp immediate pains that come as fast as they go. Or a tight feeling like someone is sat on your chest.

Thing is, it's just your body showing it's stressed and tired. Don't add fear and worry to it. Just accept it.

Say you broke your leg you wouldn't worry about it day in day out, asking everyone on forums why there was pain. It's there because it's there.

Problem with anxiety is that the symptoms and pains it kicks out are seemingly endless. So sometimes it'll throw you off guard. But don't give way to fear. It's a pain, it won't go any faster worrying, in fact you're promoting it to linger or get worse.

Just accept the pain, accept it's your body, exhausted and tired and your muscles which have been flooded with adrenline over the course of months or years due to this worry and fear and fight or flight response.

Even after accepting it's anxiety. it won't be smooth sailing. But you remove the fear and you will start to see the pains come around less and less over time. You can also make them disappear a lot quicker by reminding yourself. It's just anxiety, my body is tired, mind on edge. Rationalize it, don't give in to fear and you will eventually get through this anxiety.


01-06-2013, 02:24 PM
Ok just saw the doctor. He said my potassium was low and gave me a potassium suppliment. My cholesterol was high as well. Not alarming, but he said they will want to check further with that. He said the chest pain is more likely chest wall pain, rather than heart attack pain.

Glad everything checked out ok:) that's great news:)

01-06-2013, 03:35 PM
But how long will it ease your mind for? Until the next time?

Yes, I hear your point, but the pain honestly wasn't imagined, and I really felt logically I should go to get it checked. I'm definitely not the type to run to the ER for every little ache and pain, but things related to the heart, I definitely take those seriously.
Ed, yes, you are absolutely correct. Anxiety can definitely cause that type of pain and/or make it worse.
I'm just glad it was nothing serious, at least it can be treated with extra strength Motrin.

01-06-2013, 03:53 PM
Well its better to be safe then sorry now if u went back for the same thing then it would be the anxiety

01-06-2013, 04:21 PM
Well its better to be safe then sorry now if u went back for the same thing then it would be the anxiety


01-06-2013, 06:50 PM
Ok just saw the doctor. He said my potassium was low and gave me a potassium suppliment. My cholesterol was high as well. Not alarming, but he said they will want to check further with that. He said the chest pain is more likely chest wall pain, rather than heart attack pain.

Glad everything checked out ok!!

01-06-2013, 06:51 PM
Fight or flight day in day out. Adrenline filled blood pumped to chest wall to protect body from damage. That's all it is. Can be dull long lasting pains, sharp immediate pains that come as fast as they go. Or a tight feeling like someone is sat on your chest.

Thing is, it's just your body showing it's stressed and tired. Don't add fear and worry to it. Just accept it.

Say you broke your leg you wouldn't worry about it day in day out, asking everyone on forums why there was pain. It's there because it's there.

Problem with anxiety is that the symptoms and pains it kicks out are seemingly endless. So sometimes it'll throw you off guard. But don't give way to fear. It's a pain, it won't go any faster worrying, in fact you're promoting it to linger or get worse.

Just accept the pain, accept it's your body, exhausted and tired and your muscles which have been flooded with adrenline over the course of months or years due to this worry and fear and fight or flight response.

Even after accepting it's anxiety. it won't be smooth sailing. But you remove the fear and you will start to see the pains come around less and less over time. You can also make them disappear a lot quicker by reminding yourself. It's just anxiety, my body is tired, mind on edge. Rationalize it, don't give in to fear and you will eventually get through this anxiety.


This is great advice - and although I'm just learning to really follow through on it, I can say it has greatly, greatly helped! Hang in there - I understand.

01-06-2013, 10:43 PM
Ok just saw the doctor. He said my potassium was low and gave me a potassium suppliment. My cholesterol was high as well. Not alarming, but he said they will want to check further with that. He said the chest pain is more likely chest wall pain, rather than heart attack pain.

Drink pottasium supplements n magnesium a they seem to work :)