View Full Version : Therapy Game

01-05-2013, 08:58 PM
Is anyone else really tired of the therapy game?
You sit in an office with a new counselor and talk about the same shit you talked about with other counselors. You are with that counselor for a few months, you get to about month 4 and are just bored to tears, wasting money, and not seeing any change.
Okay maybe I am just venting... but does anyone else get to a point in a therapy where it's repetitive and well useless?

01-05-2013, 09:26 PM
Is anyone else really tired of the therapy game?
You sit in an office with a new counselor and talk about the same shit you talked about with other counselors. You are with that counselor for a few months, you get to about month 4 and are just bored to tears, wasting money, and not seeing any change.
Okay maybe I am just venting... but does anyone else get to a point in a therapy where it's repetitive and well useless?

Oh yes. I stopped going. Was tired of talking and not getting any info on what to do to help me other than she did say, you have to stop worrying and don't think about things so much. Ok, I paid you all that money for something everyone without a degree has said to me!