View Full Version : B complex vitamins

01-05-2013, 07:54 PM
Has anyone tried taking B complex vitamins for anxiety? How much? Did it help?

01-05-2013, 09:58 PM
Yes i take them and they help me alot! I styl get anxiety but not like b4 i recommend it.

01-05-2013, 11:55 PM
How many do you take a day? I have them but am afraid to try them. I have anxiety over taking meds.

01-06-2013, 07:36 AM
I also have anxiety about taking meds, even vitamins...

01-06-2013, 12:33 PM
Hiya i am the same as u about taking any meds but taking vitamins is harmless you couldnt get a side effect off them,they will do u good than bad.

01-06-2013, 01:31 PM
You can have adverse reactions to taking too much of some vitamins or minerals. Especially if they are fat soluble like vitamin D...

01-06-2013, 01:36 PM
You can have adverse reactions to taking too much of some vitamins or minerals. Especially if they are fat soluble like vitamin D...

Your right. And if your not deficient in the vit your taking more of and its a vit that can acclimate in your system you could get to much if that vit and have effects from that.

01-07-2013, 12:03 AM
B- Too stimulating too your nerves. Hold off until you've healed your nerves and they are calm.

01-07-2013, 12:07 AM
Your right. And if your not deficient in the vit your taking more of and its a vit that can acclimate in your system you could get to much if that vit and have effects from that.

I hate when doctors say this bullshit! If you are sick or ill or have a disorder in some way, you may need more than normal doses to heal. You don't always need the minimum requirement for survival. Again, ZERO people die from supplements a year. Google and find 1 person that died from a vitamin overdose. Go find one! Thousands and thousands die from medication that was legally prescribed for them but nobody is dying from supplements.

"The American Association of Poison Control Centers' report utilized the data from 60 Poison Control Centers. They handled 2,479,355 human poison exposures of all sorts. Analgesics, all Big Pharma products, accounted for 11.7% of all poisonings, the largest percentage, followed by cosmetics/personal care products at 7.7%, household cleaners at 7.4%, and sedatives/hypnotics/antipsychotics, another Big Pharma group of products, at 5.8%."

"The category Dietary Supplements/Herbals/Homeopathic/Amino Acids, which starts on page 1138 of the report, indicated a single death, but even that one can be discounted because it's listed as "Unknown Dietary Supplements or Homeopathic Agents". There wasn't a single death from any product in this category. Ma Huang, which has been treated as if it were Public Enemy Number One, caused no deaths. Echinacea, Valerian, St. John's Wort, entire classes of herbal types, such as Asian and Ayurvedic medicines, and many others resulted in no deaths, though the FDA is clearly on the attack against them.

Vitamins, which start on page 1146, provided the same results—not a single death. However, pharmaceuticals were the cause of 497 deaths, out of a total number of 718 from all causes of poisoning deaths."

01-07-2013, 01:15 AM
I hate when doctors say this bullshit! If you are sick or ill or have a disorder in some way, you may need more than normal doses to heal. You don't always need the minimum requirement for survival. Again, ZERO people die from supplements a year. Google and find 1 person that died from a vitamin overdose. Go find one! Thousands and thousands die from medication that was legally prescribed for them but nobody is dying from supplements.

"The American Association of Poison Control Centers' report utilized the data from 60 Poison Control Centers. They handled 2,479,355 human poison exposures of all sorts. Analgesics, all Big Pharma products, accounted for 11.7% of all poisonings, the largest percentage, followed by cosmetics/personal care products at 7.7%, household cleaners at 7.4%, and sedatives/hypnotics/antipsychotics, another Big Pharma group of products, at 5.8%."

"The category Dietary Supplements/Herbals/Homeopathic/Amino Acids, which starts on page 1138 of the report, indicated a single death, but even that one can be discounted because it's listed as "Unknown Dietary Supplements or Homeopathic Agents". There wasn't a single death from any product in this category. Ma Huang, which has been treated as if it were Public Enemy Number One, caused no deaths. Echinacea, Valerian, St. John's Wort, entire classes of herbal types, such as Asian and Ayurvedic medicines, and many others resulted in no deaths, though the FDA is clearly on the attack against them.

Vitamins, which start on page 1146, provided the same results—not a single death. However, pharmaceuticals were the cause of 497 deaths, out of a total number of 718 from all causes of poisoning deaths."

Hey panicCured if you don't mind me asking, what do you do for a living? You are very knowledgeable on these disorders. That's why I ask.

01-07-2013, 07:33 AM
I hate when doctors say this bullshit! If you are sick or ill or have a disorder in some way, you may need more than normal doses to heal. You don't always need the minimum requirement for survival. Again, ZERO people die from supplements a year. Google and find 1 person that died from a vitamin overdose. Go find one! Thousands and thousands die from medication that was legally prescribed for them but nobody is dying from supplements.

"The American Association of Poison Control Centers' report utilized the data from 60 Poison Control Centers. They handled 2,479,355 human poison exposures of all sorts. Analgesics, all Big Pharma products, accounted for 11.7% of all poisonings, the largest percentage, followed by cosmetics/personal care products at 7.7%, household cleaners at 7.4%, and sedatives/hypnotics/antipsychotics, another Big Pharma group of products, at 5.8%."

"The category Dietary Supplements/Herbals/Homeopathic/Amino Acids, which starts on page 1138 of the report, indicated a single death, but even that one can be discounted because it's listed as "Unknown Dietary Supplements or Homeopathic Agents". There wasn't a single death from any product in this category. Ma Huang, which has been treated as if it were Public Enemy Number One, caused no deaths. Echinacea, Valerian, St. John's Wort, entire classes of herbal types, such as Asian and Ayurvedic medicines, and many others resulted in no deaths, though the FDA is clearly on the attack against them.

Vitamins, which start on page 1146, provided the same results—not a single death. However, pharmaceuticals were the cause of 497 deaths, out of a total number of 718 from all causes of poisoning deaths."

I did not say anyone ever died from vit's. I just said to much of something you do not need can give you diff symptoms. When I took mag more than what was in my multi vit it gave me real bad dirrea. Which in turn made me dehydrated. So I ha to cut down the amount I was taking and that fixed it. That's all I was saying.

01-07-2013, 08:32 AM
They just prescribed me vitamin D 50000ui once a week for three months because I was VDD.... But I am too chicken to take it! I have really bad anxiety over medicines and I have been known to take even an amoxicillin and think I'm having side effects from it and take myself into a panic attack.

01-07-2013, 10:01 AM
I personally would not recommend taking supplements unless you need them.

In large doses, niacin, or vitamin B3, can cause a fast, irregular heartbeat and skin redness and increased skin temperature that looks and feels similar to a sunburn. Taking too much niacin can also cause blurred vision and nausea. The Institute of Medicine recommends taking no more than 35 mg of vitamin B3 per day.

Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 can disrupt the transmission of nerve signals from your brain to your muscles, especially those that control your arms and legs and your breathing. This leads to tingling sensations in the hands and feet, decreased muscle control and coordination, difficulty breathing and, in severe cases, paralysis of the affected muscles. According to the Institute of Medicine, the daily recommended dosage for vitamin B6 is 100 mg.

B Complex
B-complex pills contain all eight of the B vitamins. Most B vitamin complex pills contain 100 percent to 400 percent of your daily required intake of B vitamins. For this reason, you may experience any of the symptoms of a niacin or vitamin B6 overdose, especially if you are getting enough of these vitamins from your diet.

01-08-2013, 12:01 PM
Browneyes take the vitamin D! I was also Vitamin D defficent and have been taking large doses for months just like the doctor ordered. It has greatly improved my anxiety, mood, sleep, and overall well being! Vitamin D is one thing that will not bother your anxiety. A deficiency in it can actually cause anxiety and depression.

Dazza I would have to 100% disagree with your comment. I am pretty much anxiety free and it is all due to supplements. No drugs, no therapy, nothing else.

01-09-2013, 12:44 PM
Browneyes take the vitamin D! I was also Vitamin D defficent and have been taking large doses for months just like the doctor ordered. It has greatly improved my anxiety, mood, sleep, and overall well being! Vitamin D is one thing that will not bother your anxiety. A deficiency in it can actually cause anxiety and depression.

Dazza I would have to 100% disagree with your comment. I am pretty much anxiety free and it is all due to supplements. No drugs, no therapy, nothing else.

I think it all comes from where your anxiety is coming from. You may have been deficient in those and it caused your anxiety. Some are not and it does not help them at all.

01-09-2013, 11:19 PM
I think it all comes from where your anxiety is coming from. You may have been deficient in those and it caused your anxiety. Some are not and it does not help them at all.

Yes I agree. Either way you do not want to be deficient in anything. Taking certain vitamins may or may not help your anxiety but deficiencies are not good. Things like vitamin D play a major role in your health.

01-10-2013, 01:30 AM
Yes I agree. Either way you do not want to be deficient in anything. Taking certain vitamins may or may not help your anxiety but deficiencies are not good. Things like vitamin D play a major role in your health.

True, but over-dosing is not particularly good either.
If you are deficient then take.
If you're not, then leave it.

01-10-2013, 03:00 AM
I'm not deficient in B vitamins as far as I know, but my GP recommended that I do take vitamin B (usually a Berocca a day or every other day) to keep my blood pressure up. This has helped me quite a bit with the dizzy spells that I get.

01-10-2013, 05:53 AM
I think there's a misunderstand with regards to supplements and anxiety.

It seems that some people think that taking vits & minerals is going to cure their anxiety, because they THINK anxiety is a physical disease.

Anixety is NOT a physical disease, you don't have pains / palpitations / dizziness etc. because you are physically ill - you have these because
"something" has triggered your fight or flight mechanism, which results in weird symptoms.

By all means, it could be that you are deficient in certain vits + minerals, perhaps through poor diet and/or lifesytle - and that this deficiency is
itself causing symptoms, which starts the anxiety.
THEN you should take supps. to hopefully remove these initial symptoms.

I don't believe for a minute that, shovelling vits + minerals down your neck unnecessarily is going to magically cure your anxiety when you don't
need these vits + minerals. This notion is somewhat laughable, imo.

01-10-2013, 06:30 AM
Dazza not to sound rude but you pretty much just contradicted yourself in your last post lol. You don't believe that anxiety is helped with vitamins however you do believe if you are deficient in a vitamin it could cause pains that trigger anxiety?? Pretty much sounds like the same thing to me!

01-10-2013, 06:45 AM
Dazza not to sound rude but you pretty much just contradicted yourself in your last post lol. You don't believe that anxiety is helped with vitamins however you do believe if you are deficient in a vitamin it could cause pains that trigger anxiety?? Pretty much sounds like the same thing to me!

Eh? didn't say that at all.


Taking vits + minerals isn't going to cure your anxiety symptoms ... IF ... you don't need vits + minerals.
(It seems some people think that simply shovelling vits + minerals down is gonna cure them)

Then I said...

If you ARE deficient in vits + minerals then there is a possibility that this is causing initial symptoms, which triggers anxiety.

My point being that sufferers should make the above distinctions first, before popping all sorts of supps. for no founded reason.

01-10-2013, 07:09 AM
Dazza not to sound rude but you pretty much just contradicted yourself in your last post lol. You don't believe that anxiety is helped with vitamins however you do believe if you are deficient in a vitamin it could cause pains that trigger anxiety?? Pretty much sounds like the same thing to me!

That's not what he said. He was stating if you are deficient and your doctor confirms you are they by all means take a supp vit. But if you are not diff then don't take extra stuff. It won't help. I am def in B12 so I have to take shots and that can cause anxiety but I am not diff in mag so there is no need for me to take extra mag. It won't do me any good. I think that's all he was saying.

01-10-2013, 07:24 AM
That's not what he said. He was stating if you are deficient and your doctor confirms you are they by all means take a supp vit. But if you are not diff then don't take extra stuff. It won't help. I am def in B12 so I have to take shots and that can cause anxiety but I am not diff in mag so there is no need for me to take extra mag. It won't do me any good. I think that's all he was saying.

Correct! thanks :-)

The body is designed to extract what it needs from food + drink, but of course, if you don't eat a good, varied diet - then you may not be offering
your body what it needs.
This is why a good, varied diet is so important. You give your body the foods which contain the vits + minerals - and it will take them IF it needs them.

It's the same for water. It cracks me up the number of people who drink litres upon litres of mineral water a day... thinking they're gonna live forever.
This is ridiculous, because they just end up flooding themselves and end up pissing most of it out anyway, not to mention that mineral water is in fact no
better for you than tap.
Supermarkets have admitted that most of their own brand, so-called mineral water is in fact... TAP WATER, lol

01-10-2013, 09:40 AM
Okay... now that made more sense to me!! You are right about the mineral water. People do expect miracles from it!

01-10-2013, 10:41 AM
If you have an excess of B vitamins your body pees them out. They are water soluble vitamins. I notice a huge improvement in my anxiety when I take a B-complex supplement. My doctor said it's totally fine. You, of course, should check with your doctor before supplementing.

01-10-2013, 06:13 PM
Even if you are not technically deficient in a certain vitamin or mineral it may help your anxiety symptoms. This is not the case for everything. Vitamin D if fat soluble and you can have too much of it. Thats why you get blood tests done. Unfortunately not all deficiencies will come up on a regular CMP blood test. The standard test for magnesium measures the levels in the blood. Only about 1% of the magnesium in your body is in the blood. The rest is stored at an intercellular level. To detect a true magnesium deficiency you need a RBC Magnesium Test which looks at the level inside one of your red blood cells not in the serum around it. Most doctors will not tell you this and many do not even know about it. If you check out "The Magnesium Miracle" you can learn all about this. It is written by a very well known doctor and medical author.

But even if you did get your RBC Mag level checked and it was in normal range you can still take additional magnesium to meet the RDA. Magnesium may not cure your anxiety, although it can for many, it will still most likely help it. Magnesium is very calming and acts as a natural muscle relaxant among other things. So taking a healthy amount each day will help lower your anxiety levels regardless.

Most of the B vitamins are water soluble so your body excretes what you don't use. Your blood levels may be perfectly normal but taking B supplements may still give you energy or help with things such as depression and anxiety.

Most people even with a well rounded diet are not getting the needed amount of vitamins and minerals each day. You should look at the RDA's for each vitamin and mineral and then compare it to what is in the food you are eating. Our bodies are made to pull these essentials nutrients from the foods we eat but our diets are not what they used to be. Food is also much more processed, soils are depleted of nutrients, ect.

Vitamins and minerals are also just the basics as far as nutrition goes. Amino acids are found in our food but once again we usually don't get all that we need on a daily basis. Amino acids are the building blocks for things like serotonin and other important neurotransmitters that effect how we feel. These amino acids need vitamins and minerals to convert into these neurotransmitters. SSRI drugs only messes around with the serotonin already in your brain. You can take natural Tryptophan or 5-htp supplements that will be converted into serotonin by your body. By doing this you replenish the levels in your brain and not just trick it by taking a drug.

The same thing goes for neurotransmitters that effect anxiety. You can take supplements such as Gaba, L-Theanine, Inositol, Phosphatidylserine, Glycine, Taurine, Valerian, and the list goes on. People always love to rag on supplements and say how they are worthless but they really have no idea what your taking about. Vitamins, minerals, and amino acids are the things that your body naturally needs and is designed to use. By taking them you are naturally replenishing the levels in your body. Prescription drugs do not replenish these levels all they do is mess around with certain receptors in the brain.

I am not against prescription drugs is you need them but they are more of a bandaid then a cure.

01-10-2013, 06:40 PM
Even if you are not technically deficient in a certain vitamin or mineral it may help your anxiety symptoms. This is not the case for everything. Vitamin D if fat soluble and you can have too much of it. Thats why you get blood tests done. Unfortunately not all deficiencies will come up on a regular CMP blood test. The standard test for magnesium measures the levels in the blood. Only about 1% of the magnesium in your body is in the blood. The rest is stored at an intercellular level. To detect a true magnesium deficiency you need a RBC Magnesium Test which looks at the level inside one of your red blood cells not in the serum around it. Most doctors will not tell you this and many do not even know about it. If you check out "The Magnesium Miracle" you can learn all about this. It is written by a very well known doctor and medical author.

But even if you did get your RBC Mag level checked and it was in normal range you can still take additional magnesium to meet the RDA. Magnesium may not cure your anxiety, although it can for many, it will still most likely help it. Magnesium is very calming and acts as a natural muscle relaxant among other things. So taking a healthy amount each day will help lower your anxiety levels regardless.

Most of the B vitamins are water soluble so your body excretes what you don't use. Your blood levels may be perfectly normal but taking B supplements may still give you energy or help with things such as depression and anxiety.

Most people even with a well rounded diet are not getting the needed amount of vitamins and minerals each day. You should look at the RDA's for each vitamin and mineral and then compare it to what is in the food you are eating. Our bodies are made to pull these essentials nutrients from the foods we eat but our diets are not what they used to be. Food is also much more processed, soils are depleted of nutrients, ect.

Vitamins and minerals are also just the basics as far as nutrition goes. Amino acids are found in our food but once again we usually don't get all that we need on a daily basis. Amino acids are the building blocks for things like serotonin and other important neurotransmitters that effect how we feel. These amino acids need vitamins and minerals to convert into these neurotransmitters. SSRI drugs only messes around with the serotonin already in your brain. You can take natural Tryptophan or 5-htp supplements that will be converted into serotonin by your body. By doing this you replenish the levels in your brain and not just trick it by taking a drug.

The same thing goes for neurotransmitters that effect anxiety. You can take supplements such as Gaba, L-Theanine, Inositol, Phosphatidylserine, Glycine, Taurine, Valerian, and the list goes on. People always love to rag on supplements and say how they are worthless but they really have no idea what your taking about. Vitamins, minerals, and amino acids are the things that your body naturally needs and is designed to use. By taking them you are naturally replenishing the levels in your body. Prescription drugs do not replenish these levels all they do is mess around with certain receptors in the brain.

I am not against prescription drugs is you need them but they are more of a bandaid then a cure.

So, I do B12 shots 2 times a month and folic acid everyday per doctor. I was low on D so did the prescription D for 4 weeks. I just bought D3 2000 as a supplement to keep D up. What kind of magnesium is the best. I bought oxide and was told that was not good. So I need to take it back and look for another. Any suggestions on this and maybe others I can try?

01-10-2013, 07:14 PM
So, I do B12 shots 2 times a month and folic acid everyday per doctor. I was low on D so did the prescription D for 4 weeks. I just bought D3 2000 as a supplement to keep D up. What kind of magnesium is the best. I bought oxide and was told that was not good. So I need to take it back and look for another. Any suggestions on this and maybe others I can try?

Yes I would recommend something called Natural Calm. It is a powdered magnesium that you dissolve in warm water and drink. People LOVE it. My family uses it also. It is a great warm drink to have before bed to unwind and sleep great.

Just check out some of the reviews on amazon http://www.amazon.com/Natural-Vitality-Magnesium-Calm/product-reviews/B000WVYB8Y/ref=dp_top_cm_cr_acr_txt?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1

If you would rather take a pill Magnesium Glycinate, Taurate, Malate, and Citrate are good. The Citrate will get your bowels moving at higher doses but some people are looking for that effect. The Glycinate, Taurate, and Malate are better overall but a little more on the expensive side.

01-10-2013, 07:16 PM
Im not sure where you are located but I usually get my products from either Vitamin Shoppe locally or order offline from Swanson, IHerb, or Amazon. The online stores have great prices and its nice to read peoples reviews.

01-10-2013, 08:04 PM
Im not sure where you are located but I usually get my products from either Vitamin Shoppe locally or order offline from Swanson, IHerb, or Amazon. The online stores have great prices and its nice to read peoples reviews.

Thanks so much:) I will check it out:)

01-11-2013, 12:49 AM
i can agree with all of this!

01-11-2013, 04:15 PM
Thanks so much:) I will check it out:)

Anytime :) Let me know how it works for you