View Full Version : popping noise in head?

01-03-2013, 06:38 AM
Does anyone else get a popping noise in their head? like something in there brain is popping? It sounds similar to when you tap your fingernail onto another fingernail, if you know what I mean, a quick popping noise. I've been getting pains in my head (not constant like a headache) and popping noises all the time! I do get a very tense neck that I have to crack quite often but these noises sound deep in my head and nowhere near my neck or my ears. I'm scared blood vessels or important nerves or something are popping :( Does anyone else hear a popping noise? I do my best to ignore but it seems to be getting more constant and louder which is freaking me out

01-03-2013, 06:54 AM
Best option would be to see a dr and get your ears examined.... Then when you know it's ok maybe the reassurance will make you less anxious and it will go away :(

01-03-2013, 01:19 PM
Best option would be to see a dr and get your ears examined.... Then when you know it's ok maybe the reassurance will make you less anxious and it will go away :(

I with Yasmin on this.