View Full Version : how do you accept

12-30-2012, 01:37 PM
How do you accept you can't change and ignore these silly sensations that scare the shizzz out of us

12-30-2012, 01:38 PM
I'm having a lot of trouble with this as well. I feel like accepting it is giving up and not fighting, and I want to fight!

12-30-2012, 01:43 PM
We have to fight otherwise we will all give up,, I have to fight for my daughter ... I'm 25 2 yr old daughter mortgage ... We have to fight

12-30-2012, 03:09 PM
We have to fight otherwise we will all give up,, I have to fight for my daughter ... I'm 25 2 yr old daughter mortgage ... We have to fight

in 23 with a 2 year old he's what keeps me fighting!

12-30-2012, 03:10 PM
in 23 with a 2 year old he's what keeps me fighting!

Yes my kids keep me fighting.:)

12-30-2012, 03:42 PM
Fighting adds stress and feeds it .

You need to accept it and live with it while putting things into place on healing it .

Its not simply by any means but it takes time for anxiety to heal and the more you fight the worse its gets because you focus on what you may have lost and not on what you may have gained .

Anxiety is not all bad . I look at it this way . My father was always a stressed out little shit . At the age of 68 he went to hospital , sat on the bed , smiled and died . Had he taken notice of what his body was telling him and did something about it then i am sure he would have lived into his 80s as all his brothers are or have . Ask yourself what anxiety is doing to tell you what you need to do .

Think of anxiety like a broken leg , you accept its there but that it will not be there for ever and that there is things you can do to heal it or to live with it why its there .

The worse thing you can do is sit and focus on it . Use the Fu&k it . Go and live your life the best you can as you are and if you do the work it will past in time .

Your not the only ones that have had anxiety , in fact 1-4 will get anxiety at one stage and out of them most if not all heal or adapt to life .

Distraction is a big thing that you could learn. Not one symptom will kill you . They are telling you something and you need to listen to them .

Your right:) I guess what I mean to say is I try and accept it and deal with it. I do things to distract myself when I feel it coming on. I make myself go out and do things that I don't feel the comfortable doing sometimes just to show myself I can and it won't hurt me. That helps a lot. I won't let it totally control my life. I have good and bad days but I still get up out of bed and push myself on my bad days.

12-30-2012, 03:43 PM
On "accepting", that is the very problem. We are not designed to ignore adrenaline and fear. Quite the opposite. But that's what needs to be done to realize the worst won't happen. We won't go mad, lose control and/or die. Unfortunately most of us cannot quite tolerate that level of anxiety so it lives on. I've just learned to understand and manage it as best I can. Some can get past it if it's being caused a particular stressor but if you just have an anxious personality(like me) you either need to learn to manage it or beat it by lasting it out until it largely diminishes. :( Alankay

12-30-2012, 04:08 PM
On "accepting", that is the very problem. We are not designed to ignore adrenaline and fear. Quite the opposite. But that's what needs to be done to realize the worst won't happen. We won't go mad, lose control and/or die. Unfortunately most of us cannot quite tolerate that level of anxiety so it lives on. I've just learned to understand and manage it as best I can. Some can get past it if it's being caused a particular stressor but if you just have an anxious personality(like me) you either need to learn to manage it or beat it by lasting it out until it largely diminishes. :( Alankay

So are you free from anxiety now or do you still struggle at times. Yes manage is a good word. I just know that I have had this in and off a long time and now it came back about a year ago and still with me. So I just don't let it take over my life. I make myself go places because even though I get anxious about it I know deep down that once I do it I am fine. But I build up anxiety before I go not as bad as I use to because I have shown myself that I can do these things and nothing happens. I am just a worrier and seem to think about the what if's even when I know I will be ok. So I am now trying to throw those thought out when they pop in my head and try and focus on something positive and it does work Most of the time.