View Full Version : heart palpitations

05-10-2007, 03:51 PM
About a month or so ago i had severe panick attacks induced by pot and ever since then ive had a lot of the symtoms of anxiety. I felt like i might go crazy at times, i might have a heart attacks etc. I can usually eliminate the fear if i just tell myself its just anxiety...but usually my mind thinks outside the box so its not that easy for me :P . The first doctor i saw told me to take benidrill which is for allergies...i guess the doc thought i was allergic to the pot which i could have been so i tried it and i had a bad experiance it felt like my anxiety got worse. So i head to another doctor and they say the pot induced a panic attack on me and it could have been laced. he suggested i take lorazapam or w/e and it worked at night but not during the day so i go to see him like 2 more times and he suggests prozac and zyprexa, prozac should help my anxiety he said and the zyprexa should help my brain to reconnect to before i had my severe panick attacks. I feel the prozac makes me feel a bit aggetated and exhausted but it does make me focus more and not think about the anxiety as much. so ive been taking that for 2 weeks i think now and im going to see the doctor again tomarow. Currently im feeling a heck of a lot better than i was 2 weeks ago, no panick attacks since then, but i still feel my heart palpations which confuses me at times and fears me. Should i be scared of my heart palpations still since its been a month of so? do i still have a lot of anxiety in me? will it leave me anytime soon? help

the big bad i said no!
05-10-2007, 08:15 PM
hi, heart palpatations are a classic symptom of anxiety. are you worried when you think about them because that can make them seem much worse, or even start them up. i used to think about my anxietys/obsessions alot, and thinking about them to much gave more anxiety which in turn gave me heart palpataions. every time you get them try to think of the best thing in your life or even a completely random thing that takes your mind off it.. girls/boys, what your doing later or even just start dancing :D ! i bet youl feel better because if not you'l dwel to much, which will make thing feel worse. muchos love! ;)

05-10-2007, 08:21 PM
wow just reading that made me feel a lot better. thanks for the reply!!

also i think ill keep taking the prozac untill this anxiety gets through and also im going to talk to my doc about beta blocker because i heard that can help out a lot especially in my case. Wish me luck


05-11-2007, 07:31 AM
also do you smoke (cigs), chew tobacco or drink coffee. when i had bad heart palpatations my DR. said it was because i chewd tobacco and drank caffinated (sp) sodas. as soon as i stoped chewing, about a moth later the palpatations went away. but remember one thing. the palpatations are not going to hurt you.

05-11-2007, 02:11 PM
no i do not smoke cigs or chew. Also yes before this incident happened i used to drank a lot of caffien maby a soda or 2 a day. but since this incident happened i have stayed away from caffien i usually just drink juice or water. Also i just talked to the doctor about the beta blocker and he got me some inderall which should help my heart out a lot aswell as my anxiety.

05-11-2007, 08:33 PM
hey bana check your private messages id like to talk to you more about whats going on... im seriously in the same boat as you but Im not taking anything but ativan for the anxiety and im fallin apart haha

05-16-2007, 02:56 PM
im taking prozac but i think im getting some suicidal thoughts from it...i heard xanax is way better should i keep taking the prozac??