View Full Version : can 3 ecgs be wrong?

12-29-2012, 11:00 PM
hi, over the past fews months ive had 3 ecgs and blood tests because of the discomfort i get in my chest, all came back normal. i just still think theres something wrong as the tight achey chest pressure is still there. could 3 of them be wrong?
cheers guys

12-29-2012, 11:07 PM
Sounds like anxiety I doubt 3 of them could all come out wrong hun

12-29-2012, 11:47 PM
hi, over the past fews months ive had 3 ecgs and blood tests because of the discomfort i get in my chest, all came back normal. i just still think theres something wrong as the tight achey chest pressure is still there. could 3 of them be wrong?
cheers guys

But that's what anxiety is, isn't it? That nagging feeling that eats at the back of your head, despite what all of your other senses tell you?

12-30-2012, 04:12 AM
Most likley they are not wrong, but the ultimate test is an Echocardiogram which trumps them all. Holter monitor is good too. A cardiologist told me the Echo trumps everything.
Let me tell you this, I was engulfed by physical sensations all day long in a living hell. My heart would just go racing , I felt I couldn't breathe, I would have convulsions, I couldn't move sometimes. Literally felt glued down. I walked out of my apartment, no crawl out of my apartment and lay on the floor screaming for help telling my neighbors I am dying. I took every test I could get my hands on including adrenal Xray to see if I had an adrenal tumor. I was convinced my brain was going insane and my mind was going to crack open.
All these weird things went away when my anxiety went away. All of them! Very weird I know! I do get occasional skipped heart beats, but I had that before anxiety and it isn't related.

12-30-2012, 05:11 AM
I have this too, in fact was up all night with chest pains and have had them on and off for over a year now.
Hot relaxing baths, yoga and massage helps me. In fact the first massage I had for this I had so many knots in my upper back and shoulders that I hurt for 2 days afterwards. She told me that seems to be where I carry my stress and tension and those muscles wrap all the way around the rib cage and can cause chest pains.
I go for a massage every 2 weeks and no less then once a month and it has helped more then I can tell you. If I could afford it once a week I would go, it is just so relaxing I can't tell you.

12-30-2012, 05:11 AM
Most likley they are not wrong, but the ultimate test is an Echocardiogram which trumps them all. Holter monitor is good too. A cardiologist told me the Echo trumps everything.
Let me tell you this, I was engulfed by physical sensations all day long in a living hell. My heart would just go racing , I felt I couldn't breathe, I would have convulsions, I couldn't move sometimes. Literally felt glued down. I walked out of my apartment, no crawl out of my apartment and lay on the floor screaming for help telling my neighbors I am dying. I took every test I could get my hands on including adrenal Xray to see if I had an adrenal tumor. I was convinced my brain was going insane and my mind was going to crack open.
All these weird things went away when my anxiety went away. All of them! Very weird I know! I do get occasional skipped heart beats, but I had that before anxiety and it isn't related.

I wouldnt rule out anxiety completely re. skipped beats. You may have overcome the disorder but you will still have "some" anxiety.

Some anxiety or some stress, regardless of fight or flight, can still interfere with heart rythm.

Just sayin'

12-30-2012, 05:14 AM
hi, over the past fews months ive had 3 ecgs and blood tests because of the discomfort i get in my chest, all came back normal. i just still think theres something wrong as the tight achey chest pressure is still there. could 3 of them be wrong?
cheers guys

James - if your heart was starved of blood/oxygen & was the cause of your pain (eg. blocked arteries) - then guaranteed this pain would get much worse as you exercised/increased demand. You would also feel severely short of breath/dizzy & darn right shitty.

12-30-2012, 06:15 AM
I wouldnt rule out anxiety completely re. skipped beats. You may have overcome the disorder but you will still have "some" anxiety.

Some anxiety or some stress, regardless of fight or flight, can still interfere with heart rythm.

Just sayin'

I know you want to keep trying to prove I still have anxiety, but I have cured myself. It isn't just something I maintain. I literally do not have any anxiety anymoe. I don't mean I will jump out of a plane with no parachute smiling or I just walk in front of cars with no fear. If a plane as massive turbulence and the flight attendant falls on the floor, I will probably grip the seat in terror. I have normal fears and emotions normal people have. But I have totally cured my anxiety disorder. I get skipped beats when there is absolutely zero anxiety present. There isn't any part of my life now that any anxiety holds me back from.

This is also good for people to not be too hard on themselves as we do not need to become perfect people who never feel any amount of anxiety or negative emotions. What people should want is to be cured of the disorder. The fight or flight response is a normal part of our biology, we just do not want it activated when it is not needed.