View Full Version : Just started 10mg Lexapro

12-29-2012, 06:44 PM
Hey all-

I'm glad I've found a place to vent about my frustrations with anxiety. I've dealt with panic attacks for as long as I can remember. I went to counseling for a couple years which helped some but I would still have panic attacks. When I turned 16 I was FINALLY diagnosed with panic and anxiety disorder and put on Lexapro. I was in HEAVEN for 2 years. Felt great and literally no panic! I went to college and was switched to Celexa (cheaper) then tried Welbutrin for depression then back to Celexa for anxiety. In the spring this year I switched to 5htp and some other natural supplements. Bad idea. I've never had such horrifying panic attacks in my life since getting off. Long story short, my new doctor and I decided Lexapro really is my best option for not feeling like a hypochondriac.

My question to you all is: about when did you feel like the Lexapro kicked in? It's been so long since I've taken it I don't remember. Also, are these random muscle twitches in my arms and legs normal?

12-29-2012, 06:55 PM
I don't take those meds because I have had bad reactions to them. But I do get the muscle twitching a lot. Doc says its a symptom of anxiety.

12-29-2012, 07:15 PM
That's what I was thinking. Anxiety. I also freaked out a bit after taking it today because my jaw and neck felt super tight yet I could breathe just fine. Silly me. :)

12-31-2012, 06:30 AM
It took me about 2-3 weeks takes time

12-31-2012, 11:51 AM
I'm on day 3. Still have muscle twitches. I called my pharmacist and she said that's a common complaint they receive. In the past 48 hours I've had maybe 9 hours of sleep. What helps you sleep the first couple weeks? My pharmacist said take it in the morning to see if that will help.

12-31-2012, 12:29 PM
I was on lexapro 20 mil for 6 years! I worked within 2 weeks for me! I am coming off it now to start a family ... This is week 3 and I'm down to 5 mil a day! The brain zaps are horrible! Hoping I feel better soon :/

12-31-2012, 12:44 PM
I remember that from switching between meds at times. It's a bit alarming but nothing you can't handle. At least you know that's a side effect of taking it.