View Full Version : fed up !

12-29-2012, 12:30 PM

This feeling is really getting me down , when I try to sit and relax these palpatation and light headedness appear from nowhere , does any one else experience this ?? Also when I start to feel better I find myself worrying about when I'm going to geel like it again :(

12-29-2012, 02:45 PM
I have lightheaded 24/7 at the moment and hot sweats

12-29-2012, 02:55 PM
Yep this is me 100%. I spend everyday feeling like I'm going to pass out! I'm so over it!
I struggle sitting still because the dizziness and lightheartedness starts. Even when I'm home with my family and not anxious :(

12-29-2012, 03:04 PM
I get skipping heart beats everyday. It is really annoying. Even if I feel relaxed. Sometimes they are one right after each other. They can last hours and days:(

12-29-2012, 03:10 PM
U feel like it will never go I know I do but I just say to myself I always get through it

12-29-2012, 06:15 PM
Even when I'm home with my family and not anxious :(

I'm like that too. It comes from no-where. I'm only anxious about having another attack. It happens every single day even if I'm just sitting watching a film or something. :(

12-30-2012, 06:14 AM
I get skipping heart beats everyday. It is really annoying. Even if I feel relaxed. Sometimes they are one right after each other. They can last hours and days:(

yes this is what I get. it's so scary . I have it so often I have convinced myself there is something wrong with my heart .

12-30-2012, 09:30 AM
When I wake up I can't stop thinking or monitering myself my mind races am I gonna feel normal today am I gonna panic anxiety? Ect what's wrong with me today? Anyone else feel like that?

12-30-2012, 09:42 AM
When I wake up I can't stop thinking or monitering myself my mind races am I gonna feel normal today am I gonna panic anxiety? Ect what's wrong with me today? Anyone else feel like that?

Maybe you should really talk to your doctor about a beta blocker. It slows your heart rate down. I take it and it has made a really big diff in my racing heart. I used to get fast heart beat from anxiety every day. Now very seldom do I get it even in a panic attack. It does not take the skipping away but it helps slow down the aderelinen. So it does help. He gave me 25 mg of adtenolol. I cut it in 4's and take just that small 4th at night. I don't like taking meds. But he said I could cut it up and take it at night. I tried taking half but made me tired and slightly depressed so that's why I do the 4th tab.

12-30-2012, 09:45 AM
When I wake up I can't stop thinking or monitering myself my mind races am I gonna feel normal today am I gonna panic anxiety? Ect what's wrong with me today? Anyone else feel like that?

I feel exactly the same way, I get anxiety thinking and wondering how the day is going to turn out.

01-08-2013, 01:56 AM
I feel exactly the same way, I get anxiety thinking and wondering how the day is going to turn out.

Same. Each morning I wake up waiting for it to start!! I can't remember what it's like to wake up normal!!

01-08-2013, 02:07 AM
I used to do the same. But you're only creating the anxiety with fear and worry. Accept it, allow it to happen. Fighting it does nothing but make the symptoms last longer. As such, allow yourself to experience it. Accept your body is exhausted and worn out from stress and kicking out these pains and symptoms to announce to you that it can't cope.

You need to do your body a favour and just not add more stress, fear and worry to the mix. That's the last thing the body needs, it needs rest. So just allow the pains or symptoms to occur. The less you worry the quicker they go. Your body will thank you for it. it really eneds to rest and if you remove the fear and simply accept it then you will get better.

It won't be overnight. There simply is no instant cure for anxiety. But remove the fear and accept the anxiety and in a few months you will have overcome your anxiety.

Your body wants to get back to its old self. Allow it to do so!


01-08-2013, 02:18 AM
When I wake up I can't stop thinking or monitering myself my mind races am I gonna feel normal today am I gonna panic anxiety? Ect what's wrong with me today? Anyone else feel like that?

Yep I constantly monitor myself and any sensation I feel freaks me out. I prob experienced these before I developed my anxiety disorder but now they freak me out and set off my panic. I can't enjoy most things as every moment of every day is spent analyzing how I feel and what must be wrong with me!!

01-08-2013, 02:52 AM
I have 'Generalised anxiety disorder' and find that meditation mp3s help by Glen Harrold..I have also just started sertraline again..I went 2 years without medication and was exhausted from anxiety..I moved home 6-7 times, moved to another country and back and have a new boyfriend who I now live with..So many changes that I coped with, but I wished so many times I didnt have to 'cope' and be so exhausted..I got cavities in my teeth (along the lining of the gums) from all this anxiety, which was expensive and painful to fix). The dentist said it was definetely from anxiety...I was also seeing a very good therapist at the time, who said I didnt need meds....I am now looking forward to 'living' and not just coping with anxiety, over sensitivity and worried/obessive self destructive thinking...The decision is always yours, as long as you do the work (in therapy) and continue trying to heal yourself...When I was on anti depressants in the past, I had a much more fulfilling life! I should have just stuck with them! Good luck to all of you!