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05-09-2007, 02:53 PM
Doctor has said i have anxiety . But i dont understand how am not depressed the only thing is i dont feel my self for some reason . i dont really understand anxiety ither . i have pains and presure all over my body . hotness and loads off other things . maybee if i found out what was causing it a'd be able to understand . but how ? :| am 16

V for Victor
05-10-2007, 02:35 PM
Depression doesn't always accompany anxiety, but it generally shows up somewhere along the way, especially after a long time.

A simple way to try to figure out if you have anxiety for real or not is to ask yourself: How much do I worry?

Do you find yourself worrying about things a lot, whether they are related to health, school, society, work, or so on? Do you get nervous in large groups of people or in social activities? Do you worry a lot about getting sick?

There are several different categories of anxiety, such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder (basically self-explanatory), Social Anxiety Disorder (nervousness and fear the come with having to interact with people or be around them), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (accompanied by intrusive, unwanted thoughts that won't go away, and overpowering urges to do certain actions, etc.)

05-15-2007, 11:23 PM
Do some research, and try looking it up in the web. There have been researches or studies somewhere that might help you. Good luck!
