View Full Version : New to anxiety

12-27-2012, 10:10 AM

Lately I've been having symptoms of a tight throat and occasionally feeling like I'm about to have a panic attack but stopping them from coming to a head. These happen at random places, random times and often I am normally not in a worried or stress mind-frame.

I'm 20 years old, never suffered with anxiety before and the feeling is really starting to get me down! I recently had a very stressful few months at university where I went through a period containing lots of stress, worry etc... I was fine throughout it, but a few weeks after the stressful period I started to develop this throat thing. It began with excessive swallowing and feeling as though there was a lump there.

Now I've been home for Christmas, have time to relax and forget about my troubles but I still have symptoms of anxiety. I thought it might just go, but now I'm not so sure.

Any suggestions/ideas on what this is? Have any of you experienced this?

12-27-2012, 03:22 PM
Have you seen a doctor? If not, I would advise doing so, just so they can check you out & see if there's anything they can do to help.

My mum also had anxiety (it runs in my family) and the symptoms that she had sound just like yours. What gives me hope is that she hasn't had an attack in many years now (probably 30 years). So I believe that we're not all sentenced to this for life.

The thing about anxiety that I find, is that it doesn't always happen at times of stress. There must be something in the back of our minds that brings it on at random times when we least expect it. It's awful & hard work, but I do believe that we can get better.

12-29-2012, 05:03 PM

Lately I've been having symptoms of a tight throat and occasionally feeling like I'm about to have a panic attack but stopping them from coming to a head. These happen at random places, random times and often I am normally not in a worried or stress mind-frame.

I'm 20 years old, never suffered with anxiety before and the feeling is really starting to get me down! I recently had a very stressful few months at university where I went through a period containing lots of stress, worry etc... I was fine throughout it, but a few weeks after the stressful period I started to develop this throat thing. It began with excessive swallowing and feeling as though there was a lump there.

Now I've been home for Christmas, have time to relax and forget about my troubles but I still have symptoms of anxiety. I thought it might just go, but now I'm not so sure.

Any suggestions/ideas on what this is? Have any of you experienced this?

Maybe you need to do something to process that anxiety that you put on the back burner? Have you ever tried journaling?