View Full Version : Average

12-24-2012, 11:47 PM
So does anyone else feel distinctly average? I have genuinely tried and tried to find an area in which I excel and I can't at all, everything about me is so average.

12-24-2012, 11:57 PM
Like some you may have very broad interests but specialize in nothing. I'm like that. To a fault :) Alankay

01-06-2013, 01:11 PM
I'd like to think of that as well-rounded, which is what most parents say they want for their kids;)

Living during a time in which we are exposed globally to individuals that are at the far extremes of the continuum (sports ability, singing, intelligence, music ability, attractiveness, etc.), we have a tendency to see ourselves as, well, average. Just a couple hundred years ago, most people lived in much smaller communities/tribes/small towns without much exposure to the outside world. Almost everyone in their small community was the best at something (the best piano player, the strongest, the best embroiderer, etc.).

I'm sure if you take a look at your close family and friends, you have some unique abilities that those people admire (cooking, crafts, very handy, etc.) :)