View Full Version : Spaced out, dizzy etc.

05-07-2007, 12:40 PM
How long does this episode last! I've been feeling like this for 2 months and although I am not less anxious/depressed and many of the other symptoms have nearly gone I still feel really dazed/sleepy/spaced out/tired etc.

Has anyone here got through this episode and how long did it take to get through it? did it come back?

05-07-2007, 10:07 PM
Mine only lasted around 2 weeks, then that turned into heavy head. Felt like someone was squeezing me head. You'll get over it, try and do some excercise, it does help.

05-08-2007, 12:47 PM
do you have some days or at least hours when you are 90% or 100% OK?
I have your symptoms + terrible headaches, but I have times(rarely unfortunately) when I feel very good like I regain my life..and that feels so good.

05-08-2007, 03:53 PM
No the feelings of unrealisation I have are 100% of the time.


Anyone else feel like this. I've been thinking about starting a new job, just some basis warehouse work as I need the money but maybe the routine will wake my brain up?

the big bad i said no!
05-08-2007, 05:11 PM
hi, im new to the forum and sure this has been metioned alot in the past but have you heard of depersonalization disorder? i was diagnosed with it about four months ago but have known thats what was wrong with me for about four years now. its anxiety related but also effects how you see and feel things and how you think about yourself.
i tried to post a couple of usefull links but as its my first post it wont let me. but if you type depersonalization into google the wikipedia link is very imformative and the dpselfhep website and forum are very helpfull too.

05-09-2007, 03:24 AM
Well is there any way of curing it? I suppose that therapy would help?

the big bad i said no!
05-09-2007, 08:34 AM
my therapist recommendeded that i undergo a course of cognetive behaveriol therapy to treat the derpersonalization aspect of my anxiety. i also take 50mg of sertraline (ssri) everyday which helps takes the edge of things but hasnt cured me. im currently waiting to start the cbt which im hopefull about.
i have also found out about a herbal supplement through the dpselfhelp forum - Vinpocetine Supplement, which apperently has got rid of the 'brain fog' for someone that posts on there and it has sparked a lot of interest in trying it. i am ordering some at the mo and am going to give it a try. i dont have a lot of faith in herbal sup's but am willing to try if its helped someone so much!
Hope this info helps a bit. :)

05-29-2007, 11:11 AM
It might be something as simple as low blood pressure. I start to feel that way when my blood pressure is low.

05-30-2007, 12:42 PM
I think its just part of whole anxiety/depression thing ya know.