View Full Version : How am I doing?

12-20-2012, 05:51 AM
I was posting on here a few months back and was struggling big time but now I am going surprisingly well got back into shape at the gym and most to all of the symptoms have gone away. The one symptom I still have is hypochondria over my health and when going up a hill in a car I feel very faint-ish.

The one thing that is bothering me is that there is a head of a bindi stuck in my foot and I am worried it will get badly infected and I will die!, I heard of a guy who popped blisters on his heel and they got severly infected and he died three days later. I am going to get it treated tomorrow but I am still concerned about it.

Anyone a Bindi expert?

12-20-2012, 05:54 AM
Glad to hear that you are doing better...exercise does help a lot to relieve symptoms.
I have no idea what a bindi is, so I can't answer that part of your question, but hope you feel better.

12-20-2012, 05:57 AM
It's like little weeds that grow in your grass that have sharp points to them and hurt your feet if you step on them. Maybe a bindi is an Australian term for it's real name.

12-20-2012, 06:09 AM
It should work its way out but pull it and then keep it clean! :) Alankay

12-20-2012, 06:13 AM
It's too deep to use tweezers so I hope it does soon. I don't want an infection and cause any more grief, It only looks like a minimal dot atm on my foot so I am probably over-reacting.

Thanks Alankay