View Full Version : I survived another one

12-19-2012, 11:18 AM
I survived another anxiety attack! I have severe vomiting (already have bad stomach issues) when I have an attack making it impossible to keep down even half a .25mg xanax. I forced myself outside for a walk and after initially feeling like I would never make it, I made it. I came home, was able to keep xanax down, and am now ready for a nap. I haven't been able to sleep for a couple if days so this is very welcome. I need some encouragement that even when I have an attack that lasts over an hour there is no need to seek medical attention.

12-19-2012, 11:24 AM
Hi 246180!

Firstly well done for going out and facing your demons!! That's a great achievement and one that I have yet to conquer...
An anxiety attack is purely just a release of adrenaline (it cannot hurt you in anyway,shape or form)
Are you taking any medication other than Xanax? Any anti depressants?
What seems to bring these attacks on? Anything particular?

12-19-2012, 11:35 AM
My stomach problems cause anxiety. I have a huge fear of being in situations I can't escape. I.e. hospitals, doctors, planes, cars, small rooms. I already have OCD so when I'm already anxious and then start throwing up days on end I freak out because I don't want to end up in the hospital. I've been on effexor xr for about a month and buspar for two days. I need to get a psychiatrist to help me through this. Being on the liquid diet scares me because I don't want I get hospital sick. I've lost 15 pounds this month. Hell of a problem, huh? I try not to take the xanax, but I don't have the will power to breath through it. I'm a professional musician and counting breaths is so easy it doesn't occupy my mind. You're encouragement helps! I need to read this next time I have one. Today was my first day forcing myself to walk. I couldn't believe that after about 20 minutes of walking then sitting outside I felt like I could reign it in.

12-19-2012, 11:42 AM
Hey there! Sounds like you are making good progress in your fight against anxiety. Don't get down on yourself because you had an attack. I think that seeking out a psychiatrist is a good idea. And taking walks seems to help. What instrument do you play?

12-19-2012, 01:13 PM
Well the attack is super uncomfy and it won't hurt you but..................you should be telling your doc about these to get them under some control. Breaking the cycle of anxiety is an important part of getting better. Alankay

12-20-2012, 09:01 AM
You didn't just survive a panic attack since a panic attack caused you absolutely no danger. So you just had a panic attack which is simply your body going into a normal biological response called fight or flight. It's a bluff. You have been bluffed and you keep getting bluffed. It's a bluff! Its like a poker hand with the worst cards possible but he keeps betting like a big shot then when he shows his cards he loses.
It's time for you to learn how to out bluff the bluff. Try my method here: