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12-15-2012, 05:20 PM
Are people with OCD dangerous? I have OCD but only obsessive thoughts. So if I have violent obsessive thoughts, wouldn't that mean I would act impulsive like other people with OCD? Like those who have to wash their hands or check locks? I'm freaking out...

12-15-2012, 06:25 PM
No. That's just not the case. They just are in distress and do what they think they need to to control it or lessen it. We scare ourselves! That's all(and that's enough, eh?). Alankay

12-15-2012, 06:27 PM
I guess lol :/ thank you.

12-15-2012, 07:57 PM
I have obsessive thoughts. You WILL NOT act your thoughts out wateva they are!! Ur thoughts are just something that you would be afraid of happening in reality. They wont hurt you and when a thought enters your head seriously just tell it to piss off coz all you are is a thought and your stupid, replace the negative thoughts for positive thought i have trained my mind 2 do that so now as soon as something negative enters my head it is automatically replaced with a positive. Hope this as helped. X

12-15-2012, 08:29 PM
Thank you that does help...what type of thoughts did you have and what type of positive things did you replace them with?

12-15-2012, 11:24 PM
I have what I would call "crazy" thoughts that enter my head randomly also. I have never been told I was OCD but feel I may have some tendencies. I can be holding my baby and go near the knife block set and worry "what if I grabbed a knife and did something w/it?" Although I NEVER in my life would.

12-15-2012, 11:30 PM
Also, sorry I hit the send button too soon. One night my husband was drinking and the bottle of tequila was sitting right by the baby formula and went to make a bottle and I watched myself pour her nursery water into her bottle and then added her scoops of formula and came into the living room and started to feed her and then thoughts popped into my head.... "what if I just poured the tequila in her bottle... oh my god something bad is going to happen to her" and I sat and obsessed while she ate... she got about half an ounce down and I went back to the kitchen and poured her bottle out and HAD to fill her bottle w/our filtered water out of the fridge to prove I didn't put tequila in the bottle. Unsure as to what that was all about but I was freaking out thinking "what if I accidentally kill her by putting the alcohol in her bottle?" Even though I wouldn't.... weird I know... but these random thoughts happen to me also and I wonder when I am going to go crazy

12-16-2012, 04:25 AM
All sorts of things. When washing up i would think what if i stabbed my partner ect, or just hurt him. Now if a thought like that comes in my head its replaced with thoughts of walking down the aisle and meeting him the other end and all the amazing things we can do together. Most of the time tho when i do get intrusive thoughts i just tell them 2 f off coz ur pathetic. As soon as it enters my head i get rid of it. Or i repeat the thought in a silly voice so it sounds funny. Just talk 2 urself in ur head when it happens. Also i took up making cards and painting by numbers 2 keep my mind focused and busy.

12-16-2012, 05:05 AM
As anxiety suffers we are prone to predict the worse case scenario in our heads. It is the basis of where our anxiety and panic starts. We are constantly thinking about what if's? or what would I do if this happened? I describe mine as webs. I start with some random idea in the middle of the web, then my mind takes every scenario possible from that idea and runs with it creating lines from the initial idea. If I let it go I can end up with so many ideas it would technically look like a spider web if you were to draw it out (hope that makes sense, lol)
I agree with the whole self talk thing, when I feel my mind going I simply say to myself "It is just your panic talking" ignore it, replace the idea with something you like. I have always found the sight and sound of waves on a shore calming. so I close my eyes and repeat "calm blue ocean" and picture it in my mind.
All the best and remember you are not alone :)

12-16-2012, 06:56 AM
Yep, these are the type very thoughts that ultimately led to anxiety. They are nothing more than negative thoughts or "bad ideas". Normal folks get them too just not as often or as long with much less a pattern so it's easy to blow them off an not be effected except to maybe be "more careful", which is rational really and in a more healthy context. We just get more of these thoughts for longer. At the end of the day they are just thoughts, some scary, bad or negative and it will be very beneficial to be aware of that fact and do just say to yourself, "that's just Mr A-hole anxiety piping up once again, I know better though". It's what I do anyway. :)
AD's help reduce the ruminations(muling over thoughts) and CBT helps put them in proper persective and replace/edit the thoughts. Alankay