View Full Version : Citalopram

12-13-2012, 11:41 AM
Hello everyone and Thankyou for reading...

My name is Amy and I'm 26, I have a 7 month old son and am due to get married September next year. This is my story and wondered if anyone could help??

Basically I started having anixety/depression and panic attacks 4 years ago, I had my first panic attack when I was coming back from Cornwall with an ex partner, it just completely came out of nowhere and it took my partner at the time 45 mins to get me home when we were only really about 15 mins away, I was shaking and I was terrified hence why it took so long. I went to the doctors and was prescribed Valium for a short time and managed to push myself through. A short time after I split with my partner but had some shocking news about my first love that I was with for 5 years, please apologise for me putting this on here (want to be totally honest) I actually found out that he had been looking at child porn!! (shocking I know..I was too!!) I had to be questioned by the police as at the time that he was doing it I was actually living in his flat as his friend. That was a horrible experience to say the least!

After that I moved into my own room in a flat and lost my job as I suffered very badly and didn't know how to deal with it! I actually lost my room after about 3 months also as I couldn't pay my rent! I then had to move back in with my mum and stepdad.

About a week later I met a new bloke which is now my gorgeous husband to be and we had a little boy in may. We live with his mum and dad and they bicker constantly! I also had to when I was pregnant have to clean the house from top to bottom and still have to sometimes now because they are to lazy as well as look after my son all day.

Recently I have gone really downhill and haven't been able to sleep properly, I have been using alcohol to cover up the problem but it's only made it worse since last weekend.

Basically I feel exhausted, anxious, irritable and like I'm gonna faint or die, I don't really go out on my own, only did the day before yesterday and that was the first time in 4 months! I don't feel up to doing it again yet because I feel so anxious and tired!

The doctor has prescribed me 10mg of citalopram but I'm absolutly terrified to take them! I'm scared they are gonna make me feel worse, or that I'm gonna faint or die! I can't think straight or nothing and find it incredibly hard to look after my son on a daily basis as he's just getting to that age where he wants constant attention and because I feel the way I do I feel like I can't manage. My partner works full time. Monday to Friday 7-4 and I miss him so much but at the moment feeling like I do I don't feel like I can interact with him because I'm scared of the way I feel. I also spend most my time laying in bed. Just going downstairs for cigarettes every now and again.

What does everyone think I should do? I want to get better for my little boy so I can enjoy him and give him back the mummy he deserves!

Please help!

Amy x

P.s I had a very traumatic labour also, lost 1.8 litres of blood!

12-13-2012, 12:19 PM
Sounds like GAD(Generalized Anxiety). If they(docs) agree with that they may agree to try Lyrica as that's approved in Europe(sounds like your in the UK, right) for GAD. Citalopram is a good idea but may make you feel a bit more tense at first. Ask about zoloft as it's not as prone to do that as well as ask about counseling. Limit caffeine and alcohol for now. Lyrica will not make it worse. Ask about it. Message me any time. Alankay

12-13-2012, 12:36 PM
Thanks for your reply alankay..

I really didn't want to take medication if I'm honest, I really am scared! I'm upstairs and my fiancé is downstairs, I don't want to spend life like this.

I feel so guilty and detached from everyone, it really is a horrible feeling!

Wish I could sleep, I'm sooo upset. Got tears streaming down my face!

12-13-2012, 02:43 PM
I have also just been prescribed Citalopram for anxiety attacks. I've been taking it for 3 days so far but have not felt the benefits yet. My doctor did say that it can take a while for this particular drug to build up in your system to a level that will help. I'm persevering at the moment as I am hoping these will help.

I was previously on a mixture of Escitalopram, Clomipromine & Sulpiride, but they did not seem to be helping and I was constantly tired.

Fingers crossed this medication can work for both of us.

12-14-2012, 05:58 PM
Hi -

If you're serious about not wanting to take medication there are many ways to treat anxiety without it. Medication can help but it also comes with a host of side effects.
I recommend CBT. If you can find a good therapist in your area, it can make a world of difference.
Also, diet and exercise. It's very important to eat healthy food and get daily exercise. If you can I would think about quitting smoking as well. This only makes things worse.
It sounds like you don't have any good support around you. Caring for an infant is incredibly hard and can also be very isolating. Is there anyway you can join a mommy group and try to connect with other mommies?
Lastly, it sounds like your partners parents aren't supportive at all which might be causing a lot of your stress. Maybe you can find a flat of your own and start a new life with your new family.

Good luck :)

12-14-2012, 06:02 PM
Thankyou for your reply

Unfortunatly they won't give me Cbt because apparently I drink to much! I was a little to honest I think because I haven't actually had a drink in 3 days!

My partner won't move out coz he says we can't afford it so that's out the window.

I'm just lost really, looks like meds are the only way but m petrified!

12-15-2012, 07:45 AM
Aims, don't look at meds as a permanent thing. Look at them as a way to break this cycle of anxiety and get to a better place emotionally and psychologically then from there develop coping skills, better lifestyle and education about anxiety to live a happier life. You just may need meds and counseling for a time to get there. Just a thought on how to look at it. Just consider the old saying, "if you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got". :) Alankay

12-15-2012, 08:28 AM
True! I'm just scared of having a panic attack once I've taken one, either that or they won't work! Just so down about it all!!

12-15-2012, 08:58 AM
Well at least it seems valium worked, right? Alankay

12-15-2012, 10:16 AM
I guess but I wasn't as scared then. I didn't read the bloody side affects! Had a horrible feeling earlier, still feel a bit weird, like I can't think straight, it's horrible. I guess this is a sign that I'm gonna have to take the medication? Arghhhh x

12-15-2012, 06:28 PM
How do you cope alankay? Are you on medication?

12-15-2012, 08:14 PM
Hi there

Been taking Citalopram for just over a year and its fantastic started at 5mg then 10mg then 2 15mg then 20mg. For about 3 weeks you will feel a lil out of sorts but after that its a doddle. I managed 2 do everything i was scared or anxious about doing with no anxiety wat so eva. Definatly recmend

12-16-2012, 04:32 AM
Thankyou, was you scared to take it? I'm scared of having a panic attack once I've taken it! Wish I could just take it but I'm petrified!

12-16-2012, 04:49 AM
Starting on medication years ago was the best thing for me AND my family. I was happier, not worried or stressed and enjoyed life. Don't fight it, once you find the right medication you can feel great!!!

12-16-2012, 04:53 AM
Would highly recommend citalopram. Its fantastic.

12-16-2012, 04:55 AM
I'm just scared! I don't know what to do, I can't think straight as it is and I'm not sleeping properly, I've got very nasty chest pains on the left side and in the middle too!

12-16-2012, 05:45 AM
There is nothing to be afraid of aims. Taking the medication does not trigger a panic attack. So you will not have an attack when you take the medication. Just like alan said the medication is not a permanent solution. It will help you get over the slump you are in and once you feel better you can slowly get off it.

12-16-2012, 06:02 AM
I'm just scared! I don't know what to do, I can't think straight as it is and I'm not sleeping properly, I've got very nasty chest pains on the left side and in the middle too!

I too was scared to start taking medication but I was not happy with how I was with my anxiety. It was hi and always on my mind. I avoided situations and was often short with my family. I started on lexapro generic about 6 weeks ago and feel much improved. It is a huge decision not to be taken lightly.

12-16-2012, 06:06 AM
Thankyou! My fiancé is really cross at me for not taking one yet, I've had the tablets about 3 months but have only ever had one and I got chest pains and extreme sweating so scared the crap outta me! I just keep looking at the packet thinking I need to do this, but I just can't bring myself to do it, I'm petrified! I need to do it co I have a 7 month old son and at the moment I feel like I can't look after him and feel like a bad mum! I'm so upset because my whole family want me to take it and I know for a fact that they are disappointed that I haven't started yet! I just feel mentally exhausted and weird, keep waking up everyday hoping that I'm gonna feel better but it never happens! I just wake up everyday like a zombie and feeling like I haven't slept! Will citalopram help that? I'm scared!

12-16-2012, 07:20 AM
Aims, I take 20mg fluoxetine daily along with 20 mg of propranolol for workdays. I take valium for tough days or certain occasions(dental appts., air travel, interviews, big meetings, etc). I run/jog for aerobic exercise and eat a diet high in unprocessed food(just to be/stay more healthy) and have learned all was able to on anxiety, it's common scenarios, meds, lifestyle changes, other therapies and tried them all and took what seemed to help me and stuck with them. Over time you'll will get calmed down with the help of a good doc and then try to learn to nurture that mindset. Every patient is different whether you have a disorder or are just having anxiety more "temporary/transient" in nature so there's no one way to treat it or handle it. In general though start out with counseling to look into the psychological aspect and go to meds if needed. Even then they may be only temporary. PM me any time. Alankay

12-16-2012, 08:32 AM
Thanks alankay... I want to start the medication coz I want to be better but I'm still scared about being worse. I'm so upset because I really do want to do this and get better!

12-16-2012, 10:31 AM
Thanks alankay... I want to start the medication coz I want to be better but I'm still scared about being worse. I'm so upset because I really do want to do this and get better!

Just do it Amy . Just do it ... It may take about a week to feel better but tell ur self yes I can yes I will do it ...
Don't over think about it just take the step and do it now

12-16-2012, 10:51 AM
I'm scared of the way I feel now, I don't want to feel any worse! I'm so down.. I normally go out on a Sunday but I'm sitting here knowing that I can't and that drinking will only make it worse! I've smoked do knows how many cigarettes. I know as soon as I've taken one I'm gonna tart to panic! That the problem... I haven't been out or about a week now!

12-16-2012, 11:18 AM
I'm scared of the way I feel now, I don't want to feel any worse! I'm so down.. I normally go out on a Sunday but I'm sitting here knowing that I can't and that drinking will only make it worse! I've smoked do knows how many cigarettes. I know as soon as I've taken one I'm gonna tart to panic! That the problem... I haven't been out or about a week now!

Go to the chat room

12-16-2012, 11:26 AM
I'm scared of the way I feel now, I don't want to feel any worse! I'm so down.. I normally go out on a Sunday but I'm sitting here knowing that I can't and that drinking will only make it worse! I've smoked do knows how many cigarettes. I know as soon as I've taken one I'm gonna tart to panic! That the problem... I haven't been out or about a week now!

Go get your self a glass of water and start ur medication now . You are not thinking clear and need to rest .. Just do it and take like Xanax ( as needed) to calm you down...

12-16-2012, 11:58 AM
I don't have any Xanax, the doctor didn't give me anything but the citalopram, I o have some diazepam left over from wen I was bad when I had my son, anxiety is a lot worse now for some reason, feel like I can't operate at all. Just had a bath, feel a bit better but I still know It will take me forever to fall asleep tonight and I will wake up tommorow just as bad, I really am petrified of taking them... I don't want to feel worse and have a panic attack :,-(

12-16-2012, 12:00 PM
Tell me wen you are going to the chat room deede and I will come in....

12-16-2012, 12:12 PM
Oh you have gone offline...

12-16-2012, 12:34 PM
Oh you have gone offline...

I am going now

12-16-2012, 12:37 PM
Oh you have gone offline...

Going to chat room now

12-16-2012, 02:36 PM
Sorry missed you again! Arghhhh

12-16-2012, 04:54 PM
Sorry missed you again! Arghhhh

:)) it's ok I am back on line just let me know if you like to go chat then I will go after you

12-16-2012, 05:14 PM
You can't get cbt if you drink too much!!?? :-/

12-16-2012, 06:16 PM
That's what they told me! Interesting I know!