View Full Version : anyone take a benzo in the morning?

12-10-2012, 04:57 AM
I get awful attacks first thing in the morning. I am on lexapro. I usually get better as the day goes on. I have never taken a benzo, but I have read all the good and bad about them. Can you take them in the mornings!? Will they allow me to still think clearly? I still need to work after.

12-10-2012, 05:51 AM
You can take them any time needed really. Start with a 1/2 dose and see how it does. I doubt the doc would start you with a very large dose.

12-10-2012, 06:12 AM
I take them at any time I feel that my anxiety has gone out of control. These things are extremely useful in calming down the panic symptoms quickly. I like to take them during day time as Benzos affect the quality of sleep. Most useful drug I have found for anxiety so far. Be wary though, these things may affect your ability to drive and operate machinery.

12-10-2012, 11:12 AM
I take them at any time I feel that my anxiety has gone out of control. These things are extremely useful in calming down the panic symptoms quickly. I like to take them during day time as Benzos affect the quality of sleep. Most useful drug I have found for anxiety so far. Be wary though, these things may affect your ability to drive and operate machinery.

They are also very addictive & hard to stop after taken for long period of time. Take only when needed & lowest dose.

12-10-2012, 11:53 AM
Yep. Don't get too liberal using them. Alankay

12-10-2012, 06:47 PM
I do.

I am currently taking 2.5mg Valium in the morning to help get me through the drive to work (over an hour) and the work day.

If I get highly anxious during the day, I have another 2.5mg - usually only in the case of an actual panic attack.

It just takes the edge off, but you do have to be super careful because you get dependent on them and it is hard to wean off them. I was on a full 5mg two weeks ago when I first separated from my partner and a 3.5mg dose last week. I am hoping to go to a quarter of a tablet next week and then off of them completely in a couple of weeks.

Benzos are best for short term use, but they can help tremendously.

12-12-2012, 04:03 PM
I get awful attacks first thing in the morning. I am on lexapro. I usually get better as the day goes on. I have never taken a benzo, but I have read all the good and bad about them. Can you take them in the mornings!? Will they allow me to still think clearly? I still need to work after.

I also seem to have the worst anxiety as soon as I wake in the morning combined with a queasy stomach
I take 1/4 of lorazepam and zantac , lay calmly and try deep breathing
doesnt always work

12-14-2012, 01:44 AM
I wish...

Xanax...... 8-) yeahhh