View Full Version : Need to be with people who understand...

12-09-2012, 06:00 PM
Hello all. I guess this is more of a vent but I feel like I am among people who understand a bit of what I am going through.

First, I have what I see as an irrational fear. I take ambian at night to sleep. (I have insomnia) So, at night, I have this fear when I use the bathroom that maybe I'm not actually in the bathroom and I'm actually somewhere else. To be clear, I have never done this... I just remember sitting there some nights thinking "am I in the right place to be doing this?"

Does anyone know if (at least what I am calling it) over stimulation is a cause/effect? Seems like lately if I'm in a place where people are being obnoxious, loud and all up in my business, and babies/children are crying/whining/screaming... its just to much for me. This seems to really be the big one at the moment!!! I don't mind crowds/lots of people.

I've had depression for 20+ years, but the anxiety is a fairly recent development (2ish years). My meds no longer seem to be helping. (I have 30 until my new insurance kicks in before I can go to the doctors). I learned a long time ago how to talk my way out of being with a psychologist/psychiatrist. I say what I have to in order to get out of there. I don't trust them. I feel like they only listen because they are being paid to do so and really could care less. I have given up as much caffeine as possible. I still like a bit of coffee every now and then. I have read books and forums on different ways to control my symptoms and have had no luck. I just don't know what to do anymore.

Thanks for listening!

12-09-2012, 06:24 PM
Having anxiety disorder or similar puts you in a unstable state of fear and on edge & we end up fearing the next panic attack.

Any kind of conflict, stress, loud noise, flashing lights, enclosed spaces, people, etc. will be seen as another possible trigger of the next panic attack - so we deliberately try to avoid such situations, just in case.

I'm sure most the forum will relate.

12-09-2012, 09:22 PM
I am not a doctor, but I have heard that Ambien can have side effects of sleep walking, and in some cases, even sleep driving. It may be that a side effect of Ambien is that you feel detached from reality. Hold on and keep reaching out for support until you can get your meds. Will you be seeing the same doctor, or will you have to switch for your insurance? I understand about not wanting to see a psychologist, but maybe you should consider it. Either way, you are still welcome here. Perhaps you could journal your thoughts and feelings, to try to get it out of your system. And welcome!

Serenity 7
12-10-2012, 04:15 PM
come and join us on fb in a private group,where we all help each other.add me on fb if you want eleanor griffin

12-10-2012, 04:29 PM
Perhaps the invitation was not meant for me, but there are several Eleanore Griffin's on FB.

12-10-2012, 05:22 PM
come and join us on fb in a private group,where we all help each other.add me on fb if you want eleanor griffin

I would love to join, but as stated, there are several and I'm not sure which one...