View Full Version : How to deal with a difficult doctor?

12-08-2012, 11:34 PM
My GP doctor and I have had a rough time, the entire time I've been seeing her. She will not address my pain issues, seeing as she thinks they are just a side effect of my depression. I can barely even ball up my hands into fists, the pain is so bad. /:
She also pleaded with me to seek behavioral health help, and once I did that, she now does not want to prescribe psychotropic medications to me that my terribly elusive and busy psychiatrist prescribed to me, with no refills.
I have a terrible time with even thinking of making phone calls to shop around for a new doctor, due to anxiety. I just do not know how to deal with her. Any ideas?

12-09-2012, 02:11 AM
Hi, my doc is not the best either, it's hard to find a good GP. My friend found an excellent support GP who has recovered himself from psych issues, but he will not take new patients. I'm sorry I have no answers other than try someone new.

12-09-2012, 06:57 AM
She will not change so use vitals.com(if in the US) to find another GP or pdoc. Alankkay

12-09-2012, 07:16 AM
I think finding a new GP would be your best bet, there are other doctors out there and often it's good to retrieve a second opinion anyways if you think an issue is serious enough. I've changed doctors two or three times before finding one I liked and thought was competent.

Do you see a psychologist regularly? That also might be helpful. Psychologists can often work with you doctor to vouch for you. A lot of times doctors think patients may be drug seeking, I have a conservative doctor that tends to perscribe medication on the lower end of things. But, my psychologist has been a life saver to vouch for me...you merely need to sign a confidentiality form, and the psych. can call your doctor to vouch your position on things.

Good luck -- hope your next doctor will do you well!

12-09-2012, 05:28 PM
By psychiatric doctor, do you mean a therapist, or a psychiatrist? I have both. Pretty sure my therapist is a scab, too. I've only been seeing her for a short while, but our last visit was just...bizarre. My guess is, when she's writing stuff down, she's writing her grocery list or something. She was trying to get me to fill out papers for a new client... Then was talking all about my recovery from my substance addiction... Which... That's not my problem. Then talked about my bipolar, which is also not my problem. Called me by the wrong name a few times, and was clearly uncomfortable in my presence.
My psychiatrist is just basically a rock star, I guess. Can't ever get in to see him. I don't see him for another 2 months!!!! It's ridiculous.