View Full Version : Getting help for anxiety - Doctors.

12-05-2012, 07:45 AM
Hello folks,

I'm in need of some sound advice, tomorrow I have an early appointment with my doctor about an unrelated medical subject, but I'm contemplating if to ask him about possible help for anxiety. Whilst I've suffered with worry, stress and anxiety to different degrees since my early teens I have for the most part asked for no help to cope with it. Trouble is I'm realising now that it's causing me a lot of problems, some of which I hadn't realised. One of the main reasons I have decided to even contemplate asking for help to cope with this is I'm worried I'm starting to lose grip of my mind (if that makes sense) and I'm concerned it might get worse. About three weeks back I suffered with a very painful jaw and went deaf in my right ear, at the time I thought it was something more serious (in fact, that's why I booked this doctors appointment... seeing my GP takes forever! ;)) but I came to the realisation that it was anxiety and stress that caused me this pain. Now I'm trying my best to conquer worry and anxiety on my own, trying various techniques and even currently reading Dale Carnegie's Stop Worrying and Start Living which is helpful, I recommend it. But I know I'm still fighting against my own mind. Trouble is this anxiety and worry as become a nasty habit and I'm not sure how to break that habit.

So, tomorrow morning I go see my doctors and I hope I'm brave enough to ask for advice because every other time I go I've chickened out! My question is this, have any of you been to a doctor and asked for help related to anxiety, worry or stress and what type of results did you get. I'm not sure what to expect, I already take medication for arthritis and painkillers so I doubt any medication is given for such a thing and to be honest, I don't really want any. But than I'm anxious of what the results of me asking him would be, that's why I'm asking for anyone's past experience in asking for help.

Thank you for reading this, much appreciated.

12-05-2012, 08:10 AM
Hi , sorry to hear you are suffering .
From my experience with my g.p & other g.p's , you will most probably be offered an anti depressant that helps with anxiety . Citralopam is what most g.p's tend to give out (in my experience).

I think it depends a lot on what you tell him/her & how badly it's affecting your life .

If you feel nervous about explaining how you feel , why not write it down & ask your g.p to read it

Hope this helps a little & good luck x jessy

12-05-2012, 08:54 AM
Is there anyone that could go with you to your appointment for support? Asking for help can be very hard, but when I spoke with my doctor about the problems I was having, she was very supportive, referred me to a psychiatrist for meds (which really help, by the way), and suggested an intensive outpatient program for the crisis I was having. She also put me off work and gave me a hug! So, my experience was very good.

12-05-2012, 11:34 AM
When I had to go to my GP I was in a constant state of panic. Mainly becuase I thought I was loosing my mind. Very scary. Anyway he suggested rescue remedy. This did not cut the mustard so I went back and he prescribed meds too me, which helped and referred me to a psychiartrist. I got evaluated and I now have weekly CBT sessions which help alot. The anxiety has died down a great deal but I still have some derealization and stuff, but it's getting better. Definatly bring it up with your GP.

12-05-2012, 12:27 PM
Mar, they have heard it all before a million times. Tell your doc about it all and I bet he'll recommend a counselor which I'd agree with. Don't hold back or minimize, just tell them the truth. I bet going over your life past and present with a counselor would be a best first place to start. We know how you feel......distressed/worried/tense/a sense of dread, etc, you're not losing your mind just are getting distressed and anxious which is very, very umcomfy!:( Alankay.