View Full Version : Questions about Anxiety?

12-04-2012, 07:19 AM

I am 18 years old and recently was told by my doctor I have IBS and suffer from Anxiety. I am very upset and worried because I feel to myself more could be wrong with me and I suffer from fatigue a lot.

I find myself being tired daily , worried because I am tired daily. Eyes go red a lot and feel like there could be more wrong with me. I went through a stressful and worried summer but things have started to calm down slowly. I have blood tests, urine tests etc.

All came back fine.

Can anxiety / stress cause fatigue / tiredness?

If so what if you don't feel like you are stressed or worried then why would I still feel tired? I need some advice because it is playing on my mind so much.

12-04-2012, 08:05 AM
Hello am 18 too and diagnosed with depression and anxiety.

Anxiety can definitely make you feel tired and fatigue i always feel like this

12-04-2012, 08:58 AM
I have IBS and anxiety, too. Those can affect every second of your day, so yes, it can wear you out. How are you coping with the IBS?

12-04-2012, 09:01 AM
Having fatigue is probably linked to the anxiety and depression. I'm always knackered.

12-04-2012, 09:04 AM
Indeed anxiety can cause all this. Alankay

12-04-2012, 01:48 PM
Anxiety can casue lack of sleep which will then casue fatigue unfortunately

12-04-2012, 04:22 PM
When I first had IBS I felt tired but never this tired. I had a scare because I contuine thinking maybe something is wrong more? Ive had loads of blood tests + stool tests for re-insurance all came back normal.

I then noticed in late October I started to get tired again and again. Then my eyes started to get heavy. And it got worse. I was then re-tested for bloods but normal again nothing showed.

I do panic sometimes but not all the time. Even if I don't think about it I still am very tired and eyes are red and feel tired.

I usually sleep from 11pm-7am. I always had that routine and things were always good. Now it's not good enough for me. Even if I go to bed early it still is the same. I even have went to bed during the day a few times and still felt the same.

My doctor says nothing is wrong and nothing has showed and said maybe I should go on anti-depression tablets but I a not sure.

12-05-2012, 12:49 PM
Thank for the reply guys. I have had every blood test, stool test etc to rule out serious stuff and even re-tests nothing showed.

I just don't understand why I am feeling so so so drained out. I do worry a lot but there is weeks and days were I do not and I feel the same. It is playing on me. I sleep well like a baby but continue to wake up.

My doctor said he thinks its anxiety and stress. But I don't know? I just want to know if anyone has this? And if they have IBS do they have this too?

I am 18 years old and this has started to ruin my life :(.