View Full Version : Eye problems?

12-03-2012, 12:39 AM
Earlier this evening I was looking at my phone when suddenly I realized the words on the screen were a little blurry, more like the white or black or the letters were like shadows. Even blinking would not make it go away. It scared me so much I had a panic attack. Is this a normal problem with anxiety? I have had anxiety for about 10-11 years now and never recall experiencing that. I have had some what of headaches lately along with sinus problems. I also do not wear glasses. Of course now I'm panicky and probably will not sleep tonight.

12-03-2012, 12:54 AM
And now? still the same?

12-03-2012, 01:27 AM
Earlier this evening I was looking at my phone when suddenly I realized the words on the screen were a little blurry, more like the white or black or the letters were like shadows. Even blinking would not make it go away. It scared me so much I had a panic attack. Is this a normal problem with anxiety? I have had anxiety for about 10-11 years now and never recall experiencing that. I have had some what of headaches lately along with sinus problems. I also do not wear glasses. Of course now I'm panicky and probably will not sleep tonight.

I'm sorry you're going through this. My guess is that you did a.lot today, and that your eyes are tired. Try sleeping, and see if you don't wake up with better vision. If not, you can see an eye doctor, but I'm pretty sure that you're just exhausted. People who have anxiety are not "low key" kind of people, in general. You probably do too much, and eat and rest too little. Try taking better care of yourself. Nurture yourself and reward yourself with extras (ie: not food or rest) when you accomplish a goal.

12-03-2012, 01:40 AM
Still the same but only in the left eye now. I've dozed on and off but my anxiety keeps waking me up. :(

12-03-2012, 02:06 AM
You need restful sleep, not 5 or 10 minutes here or there. Can you drink some tea or hot cocoa? Lavender lotion also helps. Can you take a hot shower and crawl into bed? Benadryl also helps, if you happen to have some.

12-03-2012, 03:35 AM
My stepsister works for a company called iChill. Its like 5 Hour Energy but has the reverse effect...it puts you to sleep and everything is natural. I had forgotten i had some so i will try that. I took a hot shower with lavender oil and that didnt work. Thank you for your help...and I know you're right about the tired thing. :)