View Full Version : Im new! Heres my story!

12-02-2012, 08:43 PM
Hey! I'm Ashley. I'm 26 and I have my own lovely family! Husband I almost 4 years a step daughter whose 7 and our son who just turned 3! I have always had a lot on my plate always busy and going here and there visiting working and working more then I should but doesn't have a choice. Who doesn't have to bust ass these days! When I was 14 my nana passed away she was by far one of the most amazing people I could of had in my life! She had an unconditional love for me which I still feel to this day!!! After that, I started having anxiety/panic attacks! On top of being diagnosed with ADHD when I was in 4th grade and refused medication! Never been on anything even now. Life is so hectic and unfair yet I LOVE this world, everything about life I love, except one certain thing death. It's such a rough topic of mine. I also work in the Heath field and love it, but have high anxiety about going to work and being at work. It's a struggle of love daily. I love to talk about how I feel and give advice! :) let me know what I can help with!

12-02-2012, 09:15 PM
Welcome! I think you will find this place full of supportive people.

12-02-2012, 11:08 PM
Welcome. :) I am sure you will find people willing to listen and those who need to be listened to. :)

12-02-2012, 11:37 PM
Everyone here can relate to your story in some way! I have anxiety about work too-just started a new job and it's crazy. But people on this forum are so great and supportive! It feels good to know you're not alone and will be acknowledged when you post a topic you need help with : )

12-02-2012, 11:53 PM
Thank you!!!! It's so hard because people who do not suffer from anxiety have NO idea how hard it is to physically and mentally live with!!!! I'm going to be starting a journal soon and I just started takin a low dose of lexapro which by the way makes me have anxiety because I'm paranoid about taking medicine anyway but once it hits my system I hope it works :)

12-03-2012, 07:29 AM
Hey! I'm Ashley. I'm 26 and I have my own lovely family! Husband I almost 4 years a step daughter whose 7 and our son who just turned 3! I have always had a lot on my plate always busy and going here and there visiting working and working more then I should but doesn't have a choice. Who doesn't have to bust ass these days! When I was 14 my nana passed away she was by far one of the most amazing people I could of had in my life! She had an unconditional love for me which I still feel to this day!!! After that, I started having anxiety/panic attacks! On top of being diagnosed with ADHD when I was in 4th grade and refused medication! Never been on anything even now. Life is so hectic and unfair yet I LOVE this world, everything about life I love, except one certain thing death. It's such a rough topic of mine. I also work in the Heath field and love it, but have high anxiety about going to work and being at work. It's a struggle of love daily. I love to talk about how I feel and give advice! :) let me know what I can help with!

I started my very bad anxiety 5 weeks ago .. I take the generic lexapro

But I asked my doctor to do some tests for me and I found that my "vitamin D " level is very low . I found out most of the people suffering from depression have a very low vitamin D in there body and they became much better after taking the vitamin D ..
You guys needs to Check your vitamin D level too . You can search the Internet ( depression and vitamin D) you will find its related somehow ,, good luck

12-03-2012, 07:48 AM

I confirm what Dedee says about vitamin D3 deficiency, and by taking care of my vitamin D3 deficiency, under the supervision of an up to date doctor, I was cured of anxiety, depression, and panic disorder, 100%.

You may read my story/thread at the following link:

Best wishes,