View Full Version : Need help with dizziness

12-01-2012, 11:46 AM
I have been suffering from dizziness since 7 months. Sometimes the dizziness leads to a panic attack with limited symptoms. There is extreme fear but I have not noticed hyperventilation or anything else. I have never passed out in my life. The sensation I get is that the ground beneath my feet is shaking which leads to extreme fear. The harder I think about this sensation the nastier it becomes. It leads me no other choice but to stop whatever I am doing at the moment and start moving. Moving constantly somewhat eases this sensation. This dizziness never stops and is there with me 24 hours a day. Sleeping is the only escape. Also I have never experienced spinning vertigo. This sensation strikes the worst when I am sitting still and doing something like staring at the monitor or reading a book. Nausea is also present sometimes.

12-01-2012, 12:53 PM
I too experience from this dizziness, it comes on quick and scares the heck out of me! It feel good to know in not the only one!

12-01-2012, 06:14 PM
Could this be a bit of a compulsion? Or similar anyway? I'd carefully describe this scenario to a doc or therapist. If "moving" or the impulse to move in itself relieves anxiety or you think it will, it may just a compulsion or compulsive trait or behavior. Consider it. Alankay.

12-02-2012, 02:43 AM
I'm pretty sure that this isn't a compulsive behavior. In fact I hate that I have to move around because of this sensation. Moving/walking takes my mind off this sensation and is helpful.

12-02-2012, 03:04 AM
I would definitely talk to my MD about it. Do you have access to mental health professionals? If you do, I'd talk to a therapist about it. It's past 6 months, so it is considered chronic at this point. I wouldn't let it go on much longer without intervention. The longer you practice the behavior, the harder it will be to stop it. I'm sorry that you're going through this. I hope you find the answers that you seek.

12-02-2012, 04:11 AM
I have already been to a psychiatrist. Blood test came out fine, CT scan came out fine. He prescribed me with anti-schizophrenic,anti-psychotic,anti anxiety(clonazepalm) medicines. The combination of his medicines proved too much(suicidal feelings and other side effects) for me and I had to stop taking them, although it did help to lessen the sensation somewhat while in effect. When the fear became intense due to the sensation I took a .25 mg clonazepalm tablet and it helped. I was afraid of becoming dependent on clonazepalm and later stopped taking it as well.

12-02-2012, 05:09 AM
I have been dealing with daily dizziness for about 8 months too. It used to trigger my panic attacks but I've learnt to deal with it slowly.

When I have it it's hard not to focus on it and that makes it even worse!!!

12-05-2012, 10:23 AM
I work some w patients w varying types of vertigo or vestibular problems. I would recommend seeing an ENT

12-05-2012, 03:12 PM
I have already been to a psychiatrist. Blood test came out fine, CT scan came out fine. He prescribed me with anti-schizophrenic,anti-psychotic,anti anxiety(clonazepalm) medicines. The combination of his medicines proved too much(suicidal feelings and other side effects) for me and I had to stop taking them, although it did help to lessen the sensation somewhat while in effect. When the fear became intense due to the sensation I took a .25 mg clonazepalm tablet and it helped. I was afraid of becoming dependent on clonazepalm and later stopped taking it as well.

I'm sorry that you had such bad reactions to the meds that were supposed to help you. I take Klonopin as needed for anxiety symptoms. I worry about becoming addicted so I chart when I take one and why. Maybe you could still take it when you really need it? I hope you find the answers that you seek.

12-05-2012, 03:23 PM
I get dizzy all the time I leave the house (agoraphobia).

My counselor says it's because of my breathing. I'm not breathing enough.

But when I concentrate on my breathing it gets worse. Go figure.

12-06-2012, 09:17 AM
Yes, I still take Klonopin when anxiety attacks become unbearable. I'm just scared because I have heard not so pleasant things about Benzo addiction and Benzo withdrawl.

12-06-2012, 12:54 PM
I am fine in my house, and when I go out for eg the town centre I automatically start to do very weak and very very dizzy! I think this is definitely anxiety dont worry x

12-06-2012, 05:38 PM
Hey, my names Chris. I dealt with alot of the dizziness and stuff for well over a year, up until recently its kinda went away, I found it had alot to do with my breathing, I know you said you were breathing fine but thats when you started paying attention, subconsciously we sometimes breath very shallow when we re put in an anxious situation. I never really noticed it until recently when my anxiety let up enough to where I could finally start noticing things I was doing again and I seen when I was in situations that normally made me anxious my breathing would get really shallow and it would just send my head into a complete frenzy of dizziness and confusion. Alot of it also came with my DP (Depersonalization) which alot of people have with anxiety.It all just takes time and acceptance to get over, trust me at this time last year I was curled up in bed thinking I was going to die soon, now I can pretty much do everything normally again with mild symptoms, it's just took time and acceptance. Hope this helps someone!

12-07-2012, 02:53 AM
I am fine in my house, and when I go out for eg the town centre I automatically start to do very weak and very very dizzy! I think this is definitely anxiety dont worry x

Sounds somewhat like my problem. The dizziness gets unbearable when I go out especially if I have to sit down somewhere. Sitting down makes my whole world shake non stop. Continuously walking makes it easier. While I have not had spinning vertigo before, I have heard from people who have experienced it that they find it hard to keep standing. It is the opposite of my problem, I find it impossible to sit down and must always be in motion. Also I'm a heavy exerciser and at no instant of my dizziness I feel weak. In fact I almost never feel physically weak.

12-07-2012, 02:58 AM
Hey, my names Chris. I dealt with alot of the dizziness and stuff for well over a year, up until recently its kinda went away, I found it had alot to do with my breathing, I know you said you were breathing fine but thats when you started paying attention, subconsciously we sometimes breath very shallow when we re put in an anxious situation. I never really noticed it until recently when my anxiety let up enough to where I could finally start noticing things I was doing again and I seen when I was in situations that normally made me anxious my breathing would get really shallow and it would just send my head into a complete frenzy of dizziness and confusion. Alot of it also came with my DP (Depersonalization) which alot of people have with anxiety.It all just takes time and acceptance to get over, trust me at this time last year I was curled up in bed thinking I was going to die soon, now I can pretty much do everything normally again with mild symptoms, it's just took time and acceptance. Hope this helps someone!

I too have depersonalization and derealization attacks albeit rarely.