View Full Version : Mouth Breather or Nose Breather?

11-28-2012, 07:58 PM
I am curious how many here who suffer from anxiety breath through their mouth and not their nose? I have been consciously trying to switch to only nasal breathing today and my anxiety and hyperventilation has been greatly reduced.

11-28-2012, 11:03 PM
EXCELLENT! Breathing should be trough the nose 24/7 with some rare exceptions. You should read about Buteyko breathing, one of the key things that turned my anxiety around. I used Patrick McKeown's book, Anxiety Free. I am not selling this. Just used the book. It explains the proper way to breathe. This whole thing of breathing deep big breaths for more oxygen is total bullshit! You need to breathe less for more oxygen, because when you breathe too much you let out too much CO2, and CO2 is needed in your blood to release the oxygen to your cells. Breathing deep to fill your lungs, is good, but not too over breathe. You need to breathe light but deep. It should be calm. It matches your metabolic rate. so when you are running obviously you will breathe more to match your metabolic rate. Managing my hyperventilation brought my anxiety down tremendously.

11-29-2012, 07:45 AM
When i start breathing through my mouth alot, and i meant a lot, i will stop what im doing, get somewhere comfy at that point, just stop thinking, have myself relaxed and completely be in my own world and take a huge deep breath from the nose. i normally start yawning alot once i feel i breathe too much from my mouth.