View Full Version : Help me here please

11-26-2012, 06:44 PM
My ramblings may get a little lengthy, so please bear with me.

Right now I'm feeling very calm, which is a good time to talk about these things I think.

My fear is that I have an autoimmune disorder called pots. This disorder causes the heart rate to increase from lying to sitting to standing. Increases are >120 bpm or 30 beats. Along with this disorder is low bp upon standing, fainting, lightheadedness, chest pains, muscle and joint pain, nausea and vomiting, cold extremities (hands, feet, nose), heat exacerbates symptoms, exercise intolerance, tinnitus.

The reason I believe I have this disorder is because I have a few of the symptoms but the main one being increased hr and tinnitus. I do not have low bp when standing, mine actually increases, no fainting or lightheadedness. My symptoms are MOST apparent in the am-mid morning and then taper off as the evening approaches. I can exercise, (or I could before I was preggo) and yes, my hr would increase quite drastically, but I never felt sick and would always recover fairly quickly. Sometimes it was a longer recovery. Going up a flight of stairs also makes my heart race. I have been seeing a therapist, which has been good. He is a great fit for me. He said that since I am convinced that there is something physically wrong with me, that nothing will change it unless I visit with a cardiologist (who takes me seriously) and get proper testing done. I agreed, that is true. He also said that I am trying to "control" whats happening to me so much, that it's just feeding the fire. A vicious cycle. I've always had issues with control.

Now, something strange always happens. This "disorder" is the absolute worst in the mornings. I mean, terrible. I wake up thinking about it, I fret about it all day.... Constantly checking my pulse, trying to prove myself wrong. That I am a healthy person. But I never prove myself wrong. Until the evening comes. And then it's like I can BREATHE! I can stand and have a normal hr and it feels sooooooo good. I can go to bed easily but I don't stay asleep. I wake up in the night with cold sweats, which I think I internalize subconsciously. These cold sweats are also a symptom on the disorder, but mine are more likely due to pregnancy. I think this event the happens at night makes me anxious without realizing it. Then when I wake in the morning, I'm already anxious, which feeds the fear.

Usually at night I've convinced myself that I do not have the disorder, because it would be impossible for the symptoms to only be half of the day. But yet when I wake in the morning, I've convinced myself I do have it, because there's no way anxiety to cause such an increased hr only when standing.

Anyway, please let me know your thoughts after reading this. I would like to hear them.

11-26-2012, 08:16 PM
I have the same issue. I myself constantly think im having a heart attack.. Checking my pulse. It gets so frustrating when I know deep down I'm fine. Hang in there I'm hoping this group will help. Just joined today.

11-26-2012, 09:37 PM
I have all these symptoms I'm actually in slight panic mode right now trying to calm myself down, I'm pretty certain it's more anxiety than an auto immune desease, i convince myself it's my heart packing in yet your symptoms tell you it's pots, seem too much of a coincidence that our symptoms are the same but were both thinking different problems... It's got to be just anxiety right ?? C

11-26-2012, 10:20 PM
Oh great, another thing for me to google and self diagnos myself with :-( I am 30 years old and have had heart issues since the 8th grade. (rapid heart rate, palpitations, chest pain etc.) this actually keeps me from exercising a lot. Wish I could just be normal and not freak myself out. I understand what you're going through, and I've actually been to a cardiologist twice over the years but they can't find anything wrong.

11-27-2012, 06:09 AM
I do this all the time I have a headache I'm googling it. Nose bleed googling. Chest pain freaking googling. I told my dr I just want to feel content, not normal just content. It's always worry worry worry. Dr said stop googling ah easier said then done. I sometimes wonder how much experience you can get from reading about something vs experiencing it!!

11-27-2012, 06:20 AM
My ramblings may get a little lengthy, so please bear with me.

Right now I'm feeling very calm, which is a good time to talk about these things I think.

My fear is that I have an autoimmune disorder called pots. This disorder causes the heart rate to increase from lying to sitting to standing. Increases are >120 bpm or 30 beats. Along with this disorder is low bp upon standing, fainting, lightheadedness, chest pains, muscle and joint pain, nausea and vomiting, cold extremities (hands, feet, nose), heat exacerbates symptoms, exercise intolerance, tinnitus.

The reason I believe I have this disorder is because I have a few of the symptoms but the main one being increased hr and tinnitus. I do not have low bp when standing, mine actually increases, no fainting or lightheadedness. My symptoms are MOST apparent in the am-mid morning and then taper off as the evening approaches. I can exercise, (or I could before I was preggo) and yes, my hr would increase quite drastically, but I never felt sick and would always recover fairly quickly. Sometimes it was a longer recovery. Going up a flight of stairs also makes my heart race. I have been seeing a therapist, which has been good. He is a great fit for me. He said that since I am convinced that there is something physically wrong with me, that nothing will change it unless I visit with a cardiologist (who takes me seriously) and get proper testing done. I agreed, that is true. He also said that I am trying to "control" whats happening to me so much, that it's just feeding the fire. A vicious cycle. I've always had issues with control.

Now, something strange always happens. This "disorder" is the absolute worst in the mornings. I mean, terrible. I wake up thinking about it, I fret about it all day.... Constantly checking my pulse, trying to prove myself wrong. That I am a healthy person. But I never prove myself wrong. Until the evening comes. And then it's like I can BREATHE! I can stand and have a normal hr and it feels sooooooo good. I can go to bed easily but I don't stay asleep. I wake up in the night with cold sweats, which I think I internalize subconsciously. These cold sweats are also a symptom on the disorder, but mine are more likely due to pregnancy. I think this event the happens at night makes me anxious without realizing it. Then when I wake in the morning, I'm already anxious, which feeds the fear.

Usually at night I've convinced myself that I do not have the disorder, because it would be impossible for the symptoms to only be half of the day. But yet when I wake in the morning, I've convinced myself I do have it, because there's no way anxiety to cause such an increased hr only when standing.

Anyway, please let me know your thoughts after reading this. I would like to hear them.

oh great, i now think that i have this! i have all of those symptoms :(

11-28-2012, 12:55 AM
It's just anxiety. The fact that you're pregnant could exacerbate your symptoms.

11-28-2012, 02:39 AM
oh great, i now think that i have this! i have all of those symptoms :(

I live with an illness as well called Lupus. I think the best thing to do is just accept it. Then move forward and research the necessary steps to take care of your self. We cannot live our lives in fear it will only make our illnesses worst. But don't get me wrong, because I have anxiety too. But about other things. Stay healthy, by eating right, and get plenty exercise, if you can or low to moderate movements. Never try to over exert yourself. Think about that precious gift you have inside you and how much he or she will need you. Thus, just take care of yourself because you have a lot to live for.

11-28-2012, 06:00 AM
Anxiety in all likelyhood....honestly. Bite the bullet, get tested and start working on the real issue. Anxiety. Why chase this around forever? Alankay.

11-28-2012, 07:00 AM
Alankay, definitely not chasing my anxiety around. I have moments of clarity and moments of pain. The problem is that I've convinced myself that I have this disorder, and therapy isn't helping because I think it's partly physiological. Why go to therapy if I don't believe them? It takes weeks to get in and see my dr. I'm finally scheduled for today. I've been in misery the last 3 weeks just waiting. I'm hopeful for answers. Im taking the necessary steps to feel better again. In the past I would take Xanax when I'd feel panicky or anxious. Then I'd be fine for 4 months. Now that im pregnant, I can't take it. Which makes me face it on my own. It's hard. getting tested now is my only option, and then continue therapy once I get some results.

11-28-2012, 07:05 AM
Alan is right. Get checked by your doctor and if you come clean: ACCEPT it's anxiety and stop googling unless its how to treat anxiety. Start getting healthy and when you have a symptom say " hello, anxiety, acknowledge it then move on with life. After awhile you'll stop reacting to the symptoms and accept them.

If there is something serious, in time you'll know it. Not just living out if fear that something might be wrong.

Don't live in fear. Be strong and live a courageous life. You can beat this, but not by fighting...accepting.


11-28-2012, 12:05 PM
Amen to that forwells! You nailed it!

11-28-2012, 12:47 PM
I don't think any of us consciously follow our anxious thoughts on purpose. Many have health anxieties as I did and the time I got better was when I regarded my concern of a health issue as another symptom of anxiety and stopped asking for EKG's or cancer tests and realized I had to remind myself "of course you think/fear you might have xyz, anxiety is making me fear that". Now I know that when I have a first thought or feeling a bump, etc, I say to myself "of course I feel an impulse to worry about my health, that's ooold anxiety playing it's not so funny game". If you feel it's a legimate illness, get tested. All you have to lose is anxiety then if illness is causing anxiety and not the other way around. After a bunch of times you may understand that anxiety is at work and not real illness first although to be sure that happens. Docs are pretty good a fiding physical issues with the technology used(blood tests, MRI's, EchoCardiograms, etc). Alankay