View Full Version : Finding a psychologist

04-24-2007, 05:13 PM
So about two weeks ago I pretty much came to the decision to try therapy again, and it's taken me this long to get up the nerve to call. Man, I've been just sick with anxiety after making the decision. Ironic - huh - I felt better before - when I wasn't considering actually taking this frightening step. Anyways, my insurance company gave me a phone number of a group, and I called this morning. This woman asked me a bunch of questions, then said - I'll see if we have anyone that can help you and call you back. And guess what - - not even a call back! Cripes, I feel like I'm even rejected by those who are supposed to be there to help. What the &#@%! Doesn't she realize how hard it was for me to make that call - or how much I've been freaking out all day waiting for the call back?!! Of course not. I guess I thought that at least a psych office would understand. Stupid me. Sighhhh. Sorry. Guess I just wanted to vent because I feel really terrible. :cry: Am I overreacting?

04-25-2007, 02:54 PM
Yes, you're overreacting. Even psych offices get to be bureaucratic. Have you considered that the person who was supposed to call you could have been out sick, or maybe had an emergency call at a hospital nearby, and then just plumb forgot to call? Yeah, it's bad, but it happens. You should call back, or email if possible.

04-25-2007, 05:00 PM
Relax, I know that sounds hard to do but therapy is actually fun, you shouldn't feel like its something you have to do or get nervous about, only the courageous seek therapy for help, once you get there just start talking and it will flow, dont think of it as a duty, youll do good

04-25-2007, 07:34 PM
yeah, I understand. It seems that the doctors I've worked with can be thoughtless, especially when they know that I have anxiety with the phone. It's a non-issue to a lot of people, so they just don't think about it too much. I can't give a lot of advice, since I'm anxious about when I need to call for my medications...

04-25-2007, 10:40 PM
Thanks for the responses. I feel better today. Still haven't gotten a call back, though. Maybe it's a sign I should look elsewhere. Anyways, I really appreciate when people take the time to reply. Makes me feel like I'm not alone. Thanks.