View Full Version : Latest update

04-24-2007, 02:28 AM
Well, it's been a while since I've checked in and a lot has happened. My Cognitive Therapist is working out very well. She is really helping me change my way of thinking and my anxiety has decreased. Also I came clean with some things I'd been holding from my husband for years. Feeling guilty added to my anxiety. So I told him about my coke addiction 10 years ago that he never noticed and I told him I had had an affair this past summer. I never thought I would cheat on my husband. Never in a million years!! But I wasn't getting attention I needed to help me still feel wanted and sexy. We have been having a hard time since this came out, but we are also doing everything we can to stay together. We both made mistakes so we both are working to fix it. I won't give up on my marriage!!! It means too much to me even though I broke a vow. That I have to live with but I love my husband to death. And I'm grateful he is willing to stay with me to work it out. I never really wanted to notice and accept that the guilt of hiding these things and lying to everyone but now that it's out, it's amazing how it helped with my anxiety. I even sleep better now. I'll keep you posted on how things go and would appreciate any feedback.



04-24-2007, 09:05 PM
Very VERY glad to hear that!!

Keep us updated!