View Full Version : I just don't know if it's working now... :(

11-24-2012, 10:16 PM
It will be 3 weeks tomorrow on Lexy.
I *thought* lexapro was doing *something*
I think I am less anxious and out and about doing things
I am often grumpy, moody, irritable
I still feel v anxious about certain situations and have not put myself in those situations to test my reaction. Too scared :(
Is it working or not ?!?!
My husband says I am a *grump*!
I've been waiting/wanting people to say you seem so happy and relaxed
The neighbours did comment last week I seemed different in a good way
But this week DOWN again
So I've increased to 15mg today, no side effects
How is lexapro supposed to feel, is it normal to go up and down?
Thanks :)

11-25-2012, 12:41 AM
Give it a full month and then talk to your doctor.

11-25-2012, 04:15 PM
Sometimes I think I think about my medicine working too much. When I do I can tell my anxiety is higher. I'm 2 weeks and 3 days on lexapro ( generic) and I think mine is working but while out shopping I had some anxiety but I did manage to be the one checking out at the shops. Short lines but still had anxiety slightly. Just give it more time. Do you keep a journal? I find that helpful although I haven't felt the need to write in it for the past few days. Tonight I'll Ty. When do you see the dr next?