View Full Version : Breathing??

11-24-2012, 07:11 PM
Can anxiety mess with my breathing... I kinda keep feeling like my chest is tight and heavy it feels kinda hard to breathe... I feel like I'm gonna just stop breathing... I'm freaking out

11-24-2012, 07:16 PM
Try to relax (I know, it doesn't always work), anxiety will do that to you. When I lay down for sleep I feel like I have to force myself to keep breathing, and feeling like this leads to fast heart beat and dizziness, and I feel like I'm not getting enough oxygen.

But it's just that, a feeling, and it will past. The chest pain/tightness is the worse, but just remember, anxiety can't do anything to hurt you bad. My therapist said to me that when I'm feeling sick or in pain somewhere, especially in the chest, that if it were serious I'd already be gone, or passed out.

A bit mellow dramatic, but it is the truth. Drink some chamomile tea at always ALWAYS calms my panic attacks. I hope you get better :(

11-24-2012, 07:29 PM
I try to tell myself the same thing then I start thinking that its just the beginning of something happening... It's been bothering me all day:(

11-24-2012, 07:33 PM
I can assure you I feel the same thing every day. It is particularly worse when I first wake up and right before sleep. I always dread the worst, and any ache or pain I think something really bad is happening.

11-24-2012, 07:35 PM
I can assure you I feel the same thing every day. It is particularly worse when I first wake up and right before sleep. I always dread the worst, and any ache or pain I think something really bad is happening.

Same here. I almost dread bedtime and mornings because of it.

11-24-2012, 07:51 PM
It's really so annoying I feel like my brain is not getting enough oxygen!! I'm am trying so hard not to go to the er they already think I'm a freak lol

11-24-2012, 11:52 PM
For me I'm scared that I will for get how to breathe and I get really scared

11-25-2012, 10:03 PM
Learn Buteyko Breathing. I recommend Peter McKeown's book: Anxiety Free. This isn't a sales pitch. I really used this book to help cure my anxiety and did the Mp3 mediation that came with it regularly.