View Full Version : Natural Remedies for Anxiety Panic Attacks - 5 Simple Steps to End Your Symptoms

11-23-2012, 03:10 PM
By Jack Sesslor

Let me ask you, during your last panic attack what was the first symptom that you remember before the incident happened? Most would agree that hyperventilation was the first sign that they noticed. One of the surest natural remedies for anxiety panic attacks is learning how to stop hyperventilating. Read on to discover the 5 steps to stop hyperventilation.

Anxiety symptoms vary from person to person, but most everyone who has experienced a panic attack is aware that hyperventilation is the first sign of an attack. This is the first stage of the "fight or flight" response followed closely by a pounding heart rate.

Hyperventilating causes you to exhale carbon dioxide too quickly. This leaves an over abundance of oxygen in your lungs. Excess oxygen is what causes the dizzy or light headed feeling that leads to panic, a rapid heart beat and other intense physical symptoms.

Here are the 5 steps to regain control of your breathing

1) Try to slow your breathing down to no more than 10 breathes in a minute.

2) Breathe in deep and slowly through your nose and hold your breathe for a few seconds.

3) Slowly breathe out through your mouth. This part is important as you lose a bit of body heat from exhaling through the mouth as opposed to the nose.

4) Make sure to breathe from your diaphragm. The diaphragm is located beneath your rib cage. If your stomach, not your chest, puffs up when you inhale you are breathing from your diaphragm.

5) Repeat out loud or in your head "relax". What may work even better is to repeat "I am safe". Affirmations are powerful to the mind and work really well when attempting to control hyperventilation.

This may take a bit of practice. It will definitely be a challenge the first time you try, but do not give up! By preventing hyperventilation you may very well be preventing an attack.

Some that have successfully learned to eliminate hyperventilation have claimed to be panic free ever since. To be honest this is really more of a quick fix than a cure. Use this technique to relieve your symptoms when they pop up out of no where (which is very common).

One of the surest natural remedies for anxiety panic attacks is to control your breathing. This may be easier said than done, but with practice you can eliminate hyperventilation and potentially panic attacks from your life forever.