View Full Version : New here! Health Anxiety - Headaches this time

11-22-2012, 06:52 PM
Hi everyone, I stumbled across this forum today doing some general anxiety research and thought I would post in hopes of some advice or even to bring some relief to those who are suffering a similar situation.

This all started about 6 years ago for me but I've only had a few bouts of actual anxiety. First was was a fear of my heart beating too fast (lasted a little over 6 months), a year or so later it was a fear or my appendix bursting (severe abdominal pain, etc. lasting about 2 months), then there was a fear of dying from carbon monoxide poisoning (dizziness, headaches, etc. lasted around 6-9 months), clogged arteries (chest pain, shortness of breath. Lasted roughly 4 months. Went to the doctor for that one, everything was fine of course).

Now it seems to be a fear or a brain tumor or aneurism or something with my head. I've had these symptoms roughly 2 months and counting. This is accompanied by headaches, muscle spasms in my temples, neck and head pain, dizziness, pressure behind my eyes and around my temples and a strange fear of clicking noises or cracking sounds. Anytime I hear a cracking noise that I don't immediately know the source of I get an intense flood of panic thinking it's coming from my brain.

Anyway, now that you know my life anxiety story, I'll probably be heading to the doctor in a week or so to get things figured out, more than likely they won't find anything though. For the time being any advice on getting rid of some of these headache symptoms? I take 1-2 OTC headache pills a day, try to drink LOTS of water, avoid caffeine (though its hard because NOT having caffeine gives me headaches) and lots of sleep. Or if you have any ideas regarding my "health anxiety" I try not to use the "H" word (Hypochandria) although clinically speaking, I fit the bill, then let me know! Thanks!

11-22-2012, 11:26 PM
whats up friend. i assure you 1000 percent that you are healthy.. i have the same thing you have

11-23-2012, 12:22 PM
Yeh me 2, my head is by far the worst thing i worry about , every little pain im worried, or wen i go dizzy i panic, not good :(

11-24-2012, 01:38 AM
I had this around a year ago. Bad headaches everyday, took pills and drank plenty of water. Then I decided to stop drinking tea and stop taking pills for it as pills can backfire if you take too many and make the headaches worse. The headaches slowly went away for me anyway whether it was the result of that or not.

Part of me knew that it was probably the anxiety. but theres always that what if its not!

11-24-2012, 04:59 AM
Hi everyone, I stumbled across this forum today doing some general anxiety research and thought I would post in hopes of some advice or even to bring some relief to those who are suffering a similar situation.

This all started about 6 years ago for me but I've only had a few bouts of actual anxiety. First was was a fear of my heart beating too fast (lasted a little over 6 months), a year or so later it was a fear or my appendix bursting (severe abdominal pain, etc. lasting about 2 months), then there was a fear of dying from carbon monoxide poisoning (dizziness, headaches, etc. lasted around 6-9 months), clogged arteries (chest pain, shortness of breath. Lasted roughly 4 months. Went to the doctor for that one, everything was fine of course).

Now it seems to be a fear or a brain tumor or aneurism or something with my head. I've had these symptoms roughly 2 months and counting. This is accompanied by headaches, muscle spasms in my temples, neck and head pain, dizziness, pressure behind my eyes and around my temples and a strange fear of clicking noises or cracking sounds. Anytime I hear a cracking noise that I don't immediately know the source of I get an intense flood of panic thinking it's coming from my brain.

Anyway, now that you know my life anxiety story, I'll probably be heading to the doctor in a week or so to get things figured out, more than likely they won't find anything though. For the time being any advice on getting rid of some of these headache symptoms? I take 1-2 OTC headache pills a day, try to drink LOTS of water, avoid caffeine (though its hard because NOT having caffeine gives me headaches) and lots of sleep. Or if you have any ideas regarding my "health anxiety" I try not to use the "H" word (Hypochandria) although clinically speaking, I fit the bill, then let me know! Thanks!

Your problem sounds exactly like mine in terms of all the different health worries, I started with the abdominal pains and was so worried I had something serious, had blood tests and ultrasounds come back clear but I still was worried for no good reason, then I had the headaches which was obviously Tension, then the heart worries about beating too fast, impending heart attack etc. I still get these worries to this day and because I'm a 19 year old with no previous health issues the chances of anything like this happening is pretty slim according to my personal doctor.

Have a chat with your own doctor and he may recommend some sort of therapy sessions.