View Full Version : Paxil

11-21-2012, 06:55 PM
So I've been having a lot of anxiety and if affects my sleep. I assumed I was having this because I had to start a new job but after my first day I still feel anxious. I was prescribed Paxil and I feel as though I need to start taking it to feel better. My fear is that I don't want to be on medication for the rest of my life. Has anyone taken Paxil and had a good experience with it and were you able to get off without major side affects. Please help I'm desperate!!

11-21-2012, 07:14 PM
In Australia it's called Aropax, I was on it for over a year in my early 20's. I felt sure I was better and decided to stop cold turkey - mistake. Headspins. Recommenced aropax, this time I cut the pill up into quarters and gradually went down - no problem, zero withdrawal symptoms this time and I was right - when I stopped the depression was gone and I didn't need it anymore. That is my experience, may not be the same for you, but I hope it is :)

11-21-2012, 10:02 PM
Did you have any negative side affects when starting the pill? I'm prescribed 10mg but reading what other people say makes me scared. They say they had insomnia and felt more anxious. That would be very bad for me.

11-21-2012, 10:40 PM
It was a long time ago for me, more than 10 years, I do not recall having any start up effects. But they do say when starting any AD there can be initial temporary side effects that should go away. Read what the side effects are, the "normal" ones and then you will know if you have any that are not usual. If you feel it's hard to cope with start up effects, you could ask for a short term supply of valium or xanax to help you hang in there the first week or two.
Remember ppl come on the internet to complain, that isn't everyones experience. When I started lexapro I had some side effects at first but nothing I couldn't manage.