View Full Version : weed

04-22-2007, 02:03 PM
i dont think weed helps with anxiety at all in the long run...even if it calms u down when ur high..anxiety will come back even worse when u come back...idk that was just my experience..i had a panic attack infront of a large group of people when i was high and now i feeeeel so gay. :shock: <--- i looked like that and now i look like this :cry: :( no more weed for me.

04-22-2007, 02:08 PM
i dont think weed helps with anxiety at all in the long run...even if it calms u down when ur high..anxiety will come back even worse when u come back...idk that was just my experience..i had a panic attack infront of a large group of people when i was high and now i feeeeel so gay. :shock: <--- i looked like that and now i look like this :cry: :( no more weed for me.

As I've said before, weed ruined a lot of things for me (eventhough I didn't want to accept it then) and now I believe that it is what caused my initial attack. Don't be so harsh. See your bad experience from a positive standpoint. People tend to make bigger fools of themselves when they're high. But now you have a clean and clear mind. There's no reason to cry. I congratulate you for not smoking it anymore. Everyday you go without it, only makes you stronger!! You should take pride in being that strong. 8)

04-23-2007, 05:48 PM
Weed for me has been good, because when i'm high i dont care what others think of me cuz if i say something stupid then its fine cuz im high and people say stupid shit. Weed makes me very social

04-24-2007, 01:36 AM
Weed for me has been good, because when i'm high i dont care what others think of me cuz if i say something stupid then its fine cuz im high and people say stupid shit. Weed makes me very social

Can you do me a huge favor and FUCK OFF with the marijuana praising?

marijuana is:

1) illegal
2) a temporary solution to what could be a permanent problem
and 3) is known to be the initial cause for panic and anxiety attacks and disorders

Weed is the reason I started having panic attacks. Now I have panic disoerder. If you have panic disorder then you know what kind of hell I'm in right now.

To all the people who took this guys post seriously and are considering smoking pot to help your anxiety - get a grip, weed doesn't help ANYTHING.

04-25-2007, 07:53 PM
Yeah when Im high I also dont care what people think. I feel good with just taking one hit in the morning. It keeps me feeling good all day.

04-25-2007, 10:49 PM
Weed for me has been good, because when i'm high i dont care what others think of me cuz if i say something stupid then its fine cuz im high and people say stupid shit. Weed makes me very social

Can you do me a huge favor and FUCK OFF with the marijuana praising?

marijuana is:

1) illegal
2) a temporary solution to what could be a permanent problem
and 3) is known to be the initial cause for panic and anxiety attacks and disorders

Weed is the reason I started having panic attacks. Now I have panic disoerder. If you have panic disorder then you know what kind of hell I'm in right now.

To all the people who took this guys post seriously and are considering smoking pot to help your anxiety - get a grip, weed doesn't help ANYTHING.

You need to respect other people's opinions and experiences. Everyone is different, if marijuana helps someone, they shouldn't be barred from saying so. I don't think there's any reason to jump all over him for his opinion.

04-25-2007, 11:00 PM
I used to love getting high, too. Mostly because it helped me to escape reality. It never helped my anxiety, though - just made me more and more paranoid til I had to lock myself in my room to feel safe when I was high, and was eventually freaking out with paranoid hallucinations. Sound like a logical treatment for anxiety to you?

04-27-2007, 07:56 AM
Weed for me has been good, because when i'm high i dont care what others think of me cuz if i say something stupid then its fine cuz im high and people say stupid shit. Weed makes me very social

Can you do me a huge favor and FUCK OFF with the marijuana praising?

marijuana is:

1) illegal
2) a temporary solution to what could be a permanent problem
and 3) is known to be the initial cause for panic and anxiety attacks and disorders

Weed is the reason I started having panic attacks. Now I have panic disoerder. If you have panic disorder then you know what kind of hell I'm in right now.

To all the people who took this guys post seriously and are considering smoking pot to help your anxiety - get a grip, weed doesn't help ANYTHING.

You need to respect other people's opinions and experiences. Everyone is different, if marijuana helps someone, they shouldn't be barred from saying so. I don't think there's any reason to jump all over him for his opinion.


the big bad i said no!
05-08-2007, 06:26 PM
weed gave me my anxiety/panic and depersonalization 'problems'. but i have a lot of mates that still love to get stoned and still get the enjoyment i used to when i smoked with them. i realise that its difficult to accept that other people can praise weed and carry on smoking when you cant. but i can now happily sit with friends that smoke and i just have a few beers and i find it highy amusing watching them getting stoned and talking rubbish. just like i used to! :D

05-15-2007, 12:47 PM
Just wanted to share my experience and see if anyone had any similar experiences or tips.

I had my first anxiety attack after smoking pot for the first time and then having a car accident(car flipped, everyone was ok, i wasnt driving). After that, every time i smoked pot i got a full blown attack until the effects wore off. After a dozen times of smoking I started to enjoy it more and more until the anxiety attacks became less frequent and i was able to control them more by distracting myself. For a few months i was smoking constantly with no anxiety. Then one day I went on a flight with my friend on a cessna(small plane) and i got my first sober anxiety attack. Second anxiety attack was a painful :shock: , It was on a transatlantic flight, around 6 + 6= 12 hrs of intense anxiety. Two days after that i got an anxiety attack when someone commented about an ex. Then I took Xanax for 2 weeks to calm my nerves. And since i've gotten anxiety here and there, at social occasions, traffic jams, exams... I only keep a Xanax pill on me just in case, and take it whenever i get an attack. I'm sick of it, it's messing up my life and limiting my experiences, I dont want to get anxiety attacks anymore. :D