View Full Version : gallbladder problems and anxiety

04-22-2007, 11:25 AM
anyone with anxiety was also diagnosed with gallbladder problems?
I have a lazy gallbladder and am not sure, but it seems be related to anxiety. I also read in some chinese books about connections between them.

04-22-2007, 12:00 PM
I'm not sure, but I know that gallbladder removal is a safe and simple procedure with few risks or long-term complications.
I know this because a close friend had hers removed last year, after suffering a long history of gallbladder problems.
Her scar was very minimal, she was only out of work three days, and she recovered fine and felt much better soon after the surgery.
So if worse comes to worse, you could always have it removed.
It's a common procedure, and really is no big deal.
I wouldn't be afraid to have mine removed if it was giving me trouble, and I'm a huge chicken when it comes to medical procedures.
So try not to worry about it; there are options.