View Full Version : Sertraline withdrawal

Kemuning Senja
11-19-2012, 07:25 PM
I've been along with sertraline for almost 2 years,, my doctor diagnosed me with anxiety disorder since August 2010,,
At the first treatment, she gave me fluoxetin for about 5-6 months then she switched it to sertra... But for the anxiety, I used alprazolam..
For the last 4 months, I withdrawaled the alprazolam and it has no side effect to me... Unfortunately,,, it doesnt work on sertra...
Everytime I tried to stop the medicine (even with a properway as it suggested by my therapist), I'm falling for withdrawal symptoms... Thus, i continued my sertra over and over and over again...
My current dose is 50 mg for every 3 days.. And I feel that I m totally recover from my anxiety and live my life without depression... Afterall,,, I didnt consume alprazolam since July 2012..
Anyone has the same condition with me,, or just suffered from sertra withdrawal... Please share ur experiences...

11-20-2012, 10:57 PM
I've been along with sertraline for almost 2 years,, my doctor diagnosed me with anxiety disorder since August 2010,,
At the first treatment, she gave me fluoxetin for about 5-6 months then she switched it to sertra... But for the anxiety, I used alprazolam..
For the last 4 months, I withdrawaled the alprazolam and it has no side effect to me... Unfortunately,,, it doesnt work on sertra...
Everytime I tried to stop the medicine (even with a properway as it suggested by my therapist), I'm falling for withdrawal symptoms... Thus, i continued my sertra over and over and over again...
My current dose is 50 mg for every 3 days.. And I feel that I m totally recover from my anxiety and live my life without depression... Afterall,,, I didnt consume alprazolam since July 2012..
Anyone has the same condition with me,, or just suffered from sertra withdrawal... Please share ur experiences...

Yeah me too, like hell